If you’re still looking for a face mask? Patrick Van Negri is here to help:
Are you looking for a face mask? Patrick Van Negri is giving them away for FREE.
As I’m sure you know, right now, the world is in the midst of a deadly health crisis and even the protests and riots lately. The COVID-19 virus is sweeping across the globe, and as of now, has already killed over 380,000 people and infected more than six million. These are truly terrifying times. Who can say what will happen and what the future holds for humanity?
But what Patrick Van Negri says that it’s up to each of us to do our small part to help stop the spread of this virus. If we all pull our weight, then it’s possible that this thing will be over before we know it and the world can go back to normal. By December, this will all be hopefully forgotten and on New Year’s Eve, you’ll be drinking champagne and thinking “What a year!”
But in order for this to happen, we have to start to fight back and prevent the spread of coronavirus. There are really only two or three ways to do this. The first is quarantine and self-isolation. You have to do your best to stay at home and away from large groups of people. Now, not everyone can do this. Not everyone is lucky enough to have a job where they can work from home. But you have to do your best.
The second thing is to wash your hands. Don’t touch your face and wash your hands as often as you can. The more times you wash your hands, the better. The third and most important thing that you can do is wear a face mask whenever you go outside. A lot of people are uncertain about this. They wonder if face masks really make a difference. The answer to this is YES, according to health authorities, faces masks absolutely can help to prevent the spread of this disease, and you should wear one any time you leave your house.
But for a lot of people, this is very difficult. Believe it or not, some people are so strapped for cash that they can’t even afford a face mask. There’s also a supply problem. There are 7 billion people on this planet. That means that we need a minimum of at least 7 billion face masks. Then think about the fact that your face mask isn’t going to last forever. You’re going to have to replace it from time to time. People are going to lose their face masks. It’s going to get dirty, and the straps are going to break. This thought is terrifying, and it’s also why finding a face mask is so difficult.
Patrick says that when word first starts circulating about face masks, they were almost impossible to find. He was lucky enough to get one, but a lot of people were not as fortunate as him. This is extremely alarming. But what’s even more disturbing is that some people flat out refuse to wear a face mask. This is sad, especially when it’s such a simple thing to do.
The problem is that a lot of people don’t want to wear face masks because they don’t like the way they look. There’s nothing wrong with wearing a face mask if it saves lives. Wearing a face mask also helps to protect your face from the sun, which is the number one cause of aging and skin cancer, and useful in a place like Miami.
To this solve this problem, Patrick reached out to Glenis Fernandez, who is a seamstress, and was making face masks for her family and friends. Since the outbreak of the virus, Glenis has been putting her skills to good use and sewing face masks for her friends, family, and actually her entire neighborhood, city, and above that. Now she wants to put her skills to even better service and help get these face masks to as many people as she can.
To help get the word out about this, she has teamed up with Patrick. She knows that with his social media platform, he can reach more people than she ever would. There are hundreds of people out there who can’t afford a face mask, which is why he has decided to give his away for FREE. That’s right, Patrick will send you a face mask for nothing!
The best thing about these face masks is that they are super high quality and are designed to last. Unlike most of the face masks that you get at shops that are cheaply made and will fall apart after a couple of weeks, you will still have Patrick’s face mask long after the coronavirus ends!
All you need to do is visit this address https://www.patrickvannegri.com/post/free-face-maks and fill in your shipping information and phone number. Also, let him know if you need these masks for children or adults and how many you need. Once you’ve done this, Glenis will sew you a face mask, and Patrick will go to the post office and ship it to you.
(Please note that due to shipping limitations and high demand, this face mask is only available for people in the US and will be limited, sorry about that.)
Hundreds of fans have already taken Patrick up on this offer. He’s also received incredible feedback from the public. People from all over the country are now able to stay safe because of his face mask offer. This includes citizens in places like New York, Miami, Los Angeles, and more.
Over the last few weeks, he’s been overwhelmed by the response and has been hard at work 24/7. The popularity of his face mask offer caught Patrick off guard. In fact, he was a little shocked at the number of people who couldn’t get access to face masks and have taken him up on this offer. It became so hectic, so much that Lilian had to jump in, and they all went to her place in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, to fulfill the high demand. We saw on Patrick’s Instagram stories that they were working on prototypes at first, but then they decide to take it a notch up.
Patrick, Glenis, Lilian, and Esther have been working frantically to keep up with orders. Together they’ve been working on washing and detangling the face masks as well as printing labels and private messages and getting packages ready and going to the post office. Make sure to visit his Instagram if you’d like to see all of them hard at work. Not only that, but he’s also been running back and forth to the post office every day to mail off packages. First people who received the face masks started sharing that their received their package and share stories and gratitude how it helped them and their families.
What’s more, it seems as if the media have also caught wind of this promotion. Several media outlets, such as the Times USA, have written stories about Patrick Van Negri’s face mask offer.
Let’s hope Patrick has the energy needed to keep up the excellent work. We need your help, as well.
Please do everything you can to get the word out about this amazing offer. Only by working together can we help to stop the spread of this deadly disease.
Go to Patrick’s Instagram page and share his posts and tag your friends and family so that we can reach as many people as possible. This is a worthy cause, and you can help to save lives by doing this.
And if you like the face mask, then he would appreciate it if you would post photos of yourself wearing it on social media using the tag #GlenisPatrickMasks