Impeachment is Collapsing: Democrats Accidentally Prove Trump is Innocent By Promoting Alleged ‘Trump Tape’
The left makes themselves look foolish all the time. However, their latest gaffe actually proves President Donald Trump is innocent.
As the impeachment trial for Donald Trump proceeds with no new information, the Democrats’ allies in the media seemed to have made a tactical error in bringing on Lev Parnas to give his account of what was going on with Trump in Ukraine.
In a recent interview with Rachel Maddow, Parnas claimed that Trump ordered the firing of Ambassador Yovanovitch, the only problem? This dinner was in April 2018, a full year before Joe Biden would ever announce he was running for office.
We now have direct confirmation of that meeting with leaked audiotapes that not only prove Trump’s Ukraine actions had absolutely nothing to do with Biden but that the real reason for firing Yovanovitch was that she was bad-mouthing him to officials in Ukraine and undermining his foreign policy.
Democrats like Adam Schiff keep asserting without evidence that Trump was trying to dig up dirt on Joe Biden, but now we know that timeline makes absolutely no sense as Biden hadn’t even announced his plan for the presidency yet.
To argue that Trump was predicting the future would be an absurd leap and an attempt at mind-reading. The simple solution is that once again Democrats are wrong and impeachment is collapsing in front of our eyes.
Facts! However, the Democrats hate Trump MORE than they love the truth.
And men (those “natural superiors” who are so much smarter than the rest of us) loved darkness (lies) rather than light (truth) because their deeds were Evil!
Genesis 11 – Come, let us make bricks together. We’ll burn them with fire and build a utopia where our name will never be forgotten. Just like every socialist communist regime has attempted since Babel!
Communism is about the man-god and men’s war on the Truth! It goes clear back to the beginning.
@Derrell You’re right. The sad part is that they are too blind to see it.