Hollywood’s Trump Derangement Syndrome is Off the Charts – the Return of the Queen – Mini AOC, She’s Baaaaaack!
(True Conservative Pundit) News that Nancy Pelosi initiated a formal impeachment inquiry was to Hollywood libs like being invited to the ultimate drug and alcohol-fueled party where everything is free. Liberals everywhere are beside themselves with rapturous joy at the thought of President Trump being impeached.
“We are dressed and ready for the #ImpeachmentParty. What are you wearing?”
We are dressed and ready for the #ImpeachmentParty. What are you wearing? pic.twitter.com/Svwqw3RWAh
— Ava DuVernay (@ava) September 24, 2019
Michael Snyder at The Most Important News writes:
“Well, that sure escalated quickly. Rather than waiting until the end of the week, on Tuesday House Speaker Nancy Pelosi decided to announce that a formal impeachment inquiry is being initiated. Needless to say, leftist celebrities all over America greatly rejoiced at this news. In fact, for many of them it was essentially the equivalent of having Thanksgiving, Christmas, a birthday party, the Super Bowl and winning the lottery all rolled into one giant drug-fueled celebration. After “suffering” so much since Donald Trump won the election in November 2016, this surprise announcement gave many of them hope that they may soon be rid of their orange-haired tormentor forever. Of course in the end the only thing that is really going to matter is what the 53 Republicans in the Senate decide to do once the House inevitably votes to impeach, but for the moment the Hollywood elite couldn’t be happier.”
Well said…
Some other examples of the Hollywood hysteria party:
Me thinks Alyssa and the other libtards do not understand the impeachment process. The House can only vote to impeach, it is the Senate that votes to convict – as the Senate is controlled by Republicans, well this is not happening.
“oh yes we can can can !!!#ImpeachDonaldTrumpNOW”
Rosie is anything but rosy – she makes me nauseated just watching her. It will be interesting when the celebratory mood turns to severe disappointment and depression, brought on by a 2020 Trump landslide win.
“If they vote to CONVICT, they could INSTANTLY free the @GOP of this TRAITOR @realDonaldTrump and present an actual PATRIOT for the American people to vote for as President in the 2020 election. Thank about that and let’s move quickly.”
If they vote to CONVICT, they could INSTANTLY free the @GOP of this TRAITOR @realDonaldTrump and present an actual PATRIOT for the American people to vote for as President in the 2020 election. Thank about that and let’s move quickly.
— Anthony Scaramucci (@Scaramucci) September 24, 2019
Anthony Scaramucci is the epitome of progressive liberal delusion, or Trump Derangement Syndrome. Who does Scaramucci think is a true patriot? AOC maybe? Or Ilhan Omar, Nancy Pelosi, or Uncle Joe Biden? Scaramucci also said that, Trump a ‘felon acting lawlessly,’ won’t be Republican 2020 nominee.
BTW Mr. Scaramucci, thank is spelled: think – evidence that you do not think. That’s ok, we understand, you are overwhelmed by Trump Derangement Syndrome.
“I am so moved right now. I am hopeful for the first time in a long time. #NancyPelosi #justice #oversight”
I am so moved right now. I am hopeful for the first time in a long time. #NancyPelosi #justice #oversight
— Mika Brzezinski (@morningmika) September 24, 2019
I can’t wait to see how “moved” you are Mika – when this celebration blows up in your ignorant leftist face.
Not to be outdone in the Trump impeachment excitement, CNN, giddy with excitement and glee, has an article with live updates.
A search on Google for Trump impeachment yields over 300 million results.
Nancy no-mind Pelosi today admitted she had not read or even seen the transcript of the Ukraine call with Trump. Then Pelosi went on to say that Trump asked a foreign government (Ukraine) to “help in his political campaign.” Trump also (because of this call with the Ukraine government), according to Pelosi “undermined the integrity of our elections.” WOW – this is rich coming from a Democrat who has been party to a serious attempt to undermine and unseat a sitting U.S. president.
Ann Coulter sounded off on this today as well: The Transcript We Really Want to See. Well worth the time to read. (Language warning)
Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich said, “the Democratic Party has ‘lost its mind”
To that this author can only say: what makes anyone think the Democratic Party as a whole was or is in possession of a mind to begin with? It has become glaringly obvious to anyone with a few brain cells bouncing around inside their skull, that the Democrats are all about revenge and regaining power for themselves, and not at all about serious government or solutions to any problems the U.S. as a whole faces. High school students could define and work out solutions to problems better then these morons.
The Democrats are head-over-heels in love with impeaching the tyrant Trump. Yet they ignore serious evidence of massive wrongdoing by Hunter and Joe Biden in Ukraine. Never mind that the Ukraine call transcript verifies that Trump did nothing wrong, and that the Ukraine president, Volodymyr Zelenskiy backed up this assertion.
The rest of the mainstream media is just as complicit, is anyone surprised? In attacking Trump, the Gateway Pundit is reporting that they left out about 500 words (accidentally I’m sure) from the transcript. Some things never change.
In the spirit of being helpful – because that is the kind of guy I am, there is another reason to celebrate! The return of the absolutely hilarious Mini AOC! The Queen of liberal satire is back once again with a parody of AOC and the general idiocy of the libs.
Love this: Climate change: “I thought it meant Mother Nature was transgendering into Father Nature.”
Almost all the responses I saw to Mini AOC on Twitter were positive, but there is always at least one libtard that has to throw out his or her two cents (their thoughts are generally not even worth two cents):
“Wow!!! Once again, my heart goes out to this lovely & talented young lady. I am so sorry your parents would rather teach you cynicism & hate than help you see the bravery, thoughtfulness and intelligence in young women trying to better the world.”
My response to this:
“Once again a liberal incapable of thought. The “young woman,” Greta, is being used to further a lie! You are free to believe what you like of course, but there is NO hate in what Mini AOC said. The REAL hate was the libtards that made death threats against a CHILD! Get a clue.
Once again a liberal incapable of thought. The "young woman," Greta, is being used to further a lie! You are free to believe what you like of course, but there is NO hate in what Mini AOC said. The REAL hate was the libtards that made death threats against a CHILD! Get a clue.
— Greg Holt (@Greg_Holt_) September 25, 2019
Last but not least:
America will never be rid of the libtards, but hey – people like Mini AOC at least help us laugh! GO Mini AOC, we missed you!