The Actual American “Offended/Victim” Class Is On Offense
The only real “victims” in America are not the gays, nor the blacks, nor Hispanics, nor uneducated, welfare-dependent people who assemble under the umbrella of the Democrat party and pretend to be “offended” by other peoples’ wealth and success in life. Nor are the social “victims”, those who are offended by the words of President Trump or the success and power of the United States as compared with the poverty of Communist Cuba, victims in any real sense of the word. Equally suspicious in their claim of victimization are those hard leftists who protest the use of a gender pronoun to identify a man or a woman, or a tweet that Donald Trump may have sent out recently.
The real American offended/victim class, those who have been certifiably injured and offended the last several years, is made up of decent, patriotic, non-Democrat Americans who were bad-mouthed by Hillary Clinton as being “deplorables” in the 2016 election campaign, or were hurt or offended by Barack Obama’s world apology tour taken shortly after he was elected the first time, in which he begged forgiveness of the world for the evil and poverty that America forced on all the nations of the globe with our power and wealth.
The real societal victims in America are conservatives and Trump supporters who are the subjects of leftist defamation and who are justifiably offended for their mistreatment by DNC commentators and the liberal press. The list of Americans who can justifiably consider themselves to be “victims” of the American left would include police officers, military personnel and veterans, taxpayers, parents and entrepreneurs who work long hours and risk their money to make a business successful. These people are tired of their constitution being undermined and weakened as Democrat leftists attempt to subvert this marvelous document. They’re tired of having their police force called murderers when they rarely and tragically have to pull a trigger as they do their dangerous jobs.
American patriots are “victims” of people of the political left who live off the hard work of others and who, themselves, pretend to be mistreated, just for the political benefit of it.
We conservatives, the real victims of the left‘s actions and rhetoric, are tired and offended by radical Democrats establishing sanctuary cities in which illegal aliens are allowed to reside beyond the arm of immigration officials, and in which criminals are protected from the law and continue to commit a statistically unrepresentative number of serious crimes. And we’re tired of people from third-world nations thinking that they can waltz into the United States and be set up by the government for a lifetime of benefits and pleasure without having to work for their keep, in exchange for a promise to vote Democrat so as to keep this radical left party in control of our nation, forever.
Patriotic, compassionate, peaceful Americans were the “victims” of Barack Obama’s eight years of undermining our constitution while he engaged in the name-calling of Christians, was a pusher of the farces of self-identity and global warming, and was a promoter of hate for America’s police officers. And we’re sick, or should I say we’re “offended“, by the radical decisions coming from the left, asserting that there are fifty-eight different gender options that one may select depending on how they feel this morning, and that detaining or sending immigrants back to their home nations after crossing our border illegally in massive volumes, is mistreating them. We’re equally offended that our president was persecuted daily by the two-year long Mueller investigation, and we, as victims of the dominant leftist Democrat party, insist that any members of the FISA court, or the FBI or the State Department or the CIA, who were party to this trumped-up investigation, go to jail and serve hard time for their crimes against the citizens and voters of America.
Conservatives and Trump supporters are patriotic Americans who resent the radical political left for politicizing everything that occurs in this nation, and we resent the terms ‘racist” and “white nationalists” being thrown around so easily for the slightest provocation.
We are determined to take back America, and with the leadership of Donald Trump and the example he is setting by pushing back on all of these anti-American notions, we’ll succeed and assure a bright, sensible, prosperous future for our children.