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Transfer letter for employee –Format, sample, and examples

A transfer letter is also a kind ofbusiness letter which is mostly used to let the employee know that he has been transferred from one location to another or from one department to another. It is true that transferring an employee is never an easy task for the HR department as they have to state a proper justification about he has been transferred. In most cases, it is seen that the employees do not always remain ready to get transferred especially when the employees observe that he will have to do shifting duties or when the employee find it hard to adjust himself in a new set of colleagues. Again it is not always the case that the employee will hate to get transferred sometimes the employees may also like to transfer from one location to another especially when it convenient from him to do duties from that location. But no matter whether the employee likes to get transferred or not sometimes it becomes very necessary for the HR manager to transfer their employee from one place to another or from one department to another.

But writing a transfer letter is never an easy task and you must know the complete transfer letter formatbefore writing it. This is the reason why we have come up with a standard letter format and sample so that it becomes easier for you to understand how to write and what to write.

Format for writing a transfer letter

In the following we have come up with a sample format of transfer letter that you can use when you need to transfer your employee:


<Your Name>
<Your Address>
<Your Email ID>
<Your Phone No.>

Date: Date of the day when you will send the letter in DD/MM/YYYY format


<Name of the employee whom you have transferred>
<Address of the employee whom you have transferred>
<Email ID of the employee whom you have transferred>
<Phone No. of the employee whom you have transferred >

Dear <Name of the person whom you have authorized>

This is to inform you that as required by the concerned department the company has decided to transfer you from our head office to the branch office which is located at <Name of the location>. With this transfer letter, I shall like to request you to join in <Department Name> and you need to meet Mr. <Name of the manager at the transferred location> who will your reporting manager at that location.

Your joining date will be <Date of the day when you have to join at the transferred location in DD/MM/YYYY format > and you have to report on <time when you have to report>.

In this location, the company will provide you the cab facilities and will reimburse all the transportation cost. You need to report to Mr. <Name of the manager at the transferred location> on the first day of your joining. If you get any difficulty you can contact him at his number <phone number of the manager of the transferred location>.

We wish you all the best on your new workplace and we hope you will continue to perform in the same in that you have been doing in your new journey.

Best Regards,

<Your Name>
<Your Position>
<Your Company Name>

Essential things to remember while writing a transfer letter

Generally, the transfer letter is mostly used for official and business purposes. So, we have come up with some essential guidelines that will help you to write an effective transfer letter:

  • Use of Right tone: Transfer letter is also a kind of professional letter and so it is very essential to maintain a proper tone while writing the transfer letter.You must make sure that the letter is formal and you should always try to deliver your message in an appropriate manner.
  • Short and concise: You also need to ensure that the transfer letter is short and concise. The letter should be straightforward and every message should be to the point. You should always try to complete the transfer letter within a single page.
  • Inform all details of transfer very clearly: It is also very important to mention it clearly that the person is transferred. Do not forget to mention the location where the person has been transferred and when he has to join his office at the new location. You must clearly mention to whom he needs to report at the new location. If possible state hos contact details so that he can contact him directly if he faces any problem at the new location.
  • Facilities at the new location: You must state clearly all the facilities that the company is going to provide the employee in the new location. Apart from that, you should also tell him the new duties that he will be expected to do in the new location.
  • Best wishes: Finally you should wish the employee all the best. You must say that the company will expect him to continue his duty with the same enthusiasm that he has been doing throughout his career.
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