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The Loony Left Continues To TearDown Trump And Destroy The Country!!!


Ever since Trump came down the escalator at Trump Tower and announced his candidacy for President the left has been after him. They have become a party of hate and rage. When Trump won they became completely unhinged and remain so to this day. First, it was “impeachment, impeachment, impeachment,” for no apparent reason other than the fact that they lost and wanted to overturn the election. Then it was “Russia Russia, Russia” and “collusion, collusion, collusion,” when there was no proof because there was none. In fact, Hillary’s manager John Podesta said: “If Hillary loses we’ll blame the Russians” which is what they did.

Trump has been under four investigations; first in the house, then in the senate then the FBI and then the Mueller report and all found no collusion, but that didn’t satisfy the loony leftist Dems. Now, they want a fifth investigation. Now, it’ “racist, racist, racist,” when there is plenty of evidence to show they are the racist ones.

The loony Democrats are still looking for anything that might have been missed at an attempt to bring down the mighty president. They have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt the true definition of insanity, doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result.

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The State of New York started in by targeting his businesses looking for anything that might incriminate the president. So far nothing has ever been found that can be used to incriminate the president of the United States. It is time for the loony bin Democrats to realize that America chose an honest president that seeks to serve the people and not his interests. Trump has done more than his last four predecessors put together with over 200 accomplishments.

Sadly there will be those loony people that will still believe that President Trump is guilty even though he has been proven innocent. In fact, he could give each person in America ten million dollars and find a cure for cancer they would still hate him.

The United States of America is blessed to finally have a president that is honest and not serving for personal gain. President Trump has been honest with people from the day he took office. He promised many things and most of those things he has delivered on. The few that are left that he is still fighting for have not happened because the loony left has fought him every step of the way.

There is no doubt that the Democrats hate America. There is no doubt that they embrace socialist agendas and support the destruction of the county. They hate Trump and the hate the conservatives in the nation. Now, these four women of “the Squad” prove that even more.  All they say is that you must be a racist if you disagree with them.  Racism is the most abused and misused word in the English language.

Recently Rep.Rashida Tlaib (D-MI), has warned House Speaker Pelosi (D-CA) that she needed to be careful when she criticizes the women of the “Squad” simply because they are “women of color.”

“The fact of the knowledge is, and I’ve done racial justice work in our country for a long time, acknowledge the fact that we are women of color, so when you do single us out, be aware of that, and what you’re doing,” Tlaib said. She added that this is especially important “because some of us are getting death threats.”


Tlaib’s Wikipedia page describes her this way:

Tlaib is a member of the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA). She and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez are the third and fourth DSA members to serve in Congress and the first female DSA members to serve in Congress. Tlaib is the first DSA member from a Midwestern district elected to the U.S. House.[7][8] Tlaib has been a vocal critic of the Trump administration and advocated impeachment of the President. On foreign affairs, she has sharply criticized the Israeli government, called for an end to U.S. aid to Israel, and expressed support for the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions campaign. Tlaib is a member of the informal group known as “The Squad” along with Ilhan Omar (D-MN), Ayanna Pressley (D-MA), and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY).[9]

The threats against these women have nothing at all to do with what Pelosi or Donald Trump said about them. These women are not being singled out over their backgrounds. They are being singled out because of their constant criticism of America and their socialist belief system.

Now less than a week after the Democrat-controlled House of Representatives passed sweeping legislation boosting the federal minimum wage to $15 per hour, Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D. Mich.) called for a brand spanking new $20 federal minimum wage.

 video from America Rising shows Tlaib making the remarks at an event for One Fair Wage, an organization that lobbies to raise the federal minimum tipped wage. Tlaib said the $15 minimum wage demand needs to be updated to reflect the rising price of food.“By the way, when we started it, it should have been $15. Now I think it should be $20,” she said.“It should be $20 an hour, $18 to $20 at this point,” she repeated, continuing to claim that the price of food such as milk and eggs has increased.

Every member of the Squad is overplaying a race card and trying to pull a fast one on Americans. You don’t get to say someone is racist just because they are critical of your policies; that is not how it works in this country. It’s a cop-out because they simply don’t have a good reply to the criticisms, so they use racism as a bailout for their position.

squadpics2Now, the Dems are using Trumps quote from his recent rally where they claim he said to send these squad members back to where they came from and the crowd shouting “Send her back” regarding Omar. This was taken out of context as with everything they say about Trump. There is a big difference between saying, “Go back to where you came from” and saying as Trump did, “Go back and fix the problems in your own country and then come here and tell us how it’s done.” They are too dumb to realize that our president’s comments about the squad were not about race or color, but rather criticism about their lack of patriotism because as members of congress they should be patriotic and not be spewing anti-American sentiment.


Racism is the Dems playbook word and has been for years. The Dems use Black people for votes every four years and then they never hear from them again until election time. They do not care about Black people, look at Chicago for example. People like Jesse Jackson and Rev Al. could care less and it shows. Obama never went back to Chicago after he left and he created the most division between races that I have seen in my lifetime, A lot of black people have awakened to the FACT that the Dems could care less about them!! The INTELLIGENT people out there KNOW that Donald Trump is NOT Racist! The members of the “Squad” are HATEFUL women, who will say, and do anything to hurt our President. The truth is that these women DO NOT like America, especially Omar, and Rashida, and they should absolutely NOT be in our US Congress!

Trump has done more for black people and all minorities in two years than Obama did in eight. That’s because He cares!!!


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Jim Clayton

I am a retired former newspaper reporter and retail sales person. I'm a politically conservative easy going person from New Jersey. I am married to a wonderful wife and like talking and writing about movies,, concerts I attend and current events all which I write about here. I would enjoy hearing from anyone on my articles and they can write to me here.

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