
Gavin Nuisance Should Hang His Head In Shame And Leave American Citizens Alone

The idiot governor of California, Gavin Nuisance, is indeed making a nuisance of himself by repeatedly making negative remarks about Florida and the current governor of that state, which is much freer and more economically successful than California has been under Mr. Nuisance‘s power ride, and which is attracting fed-up citizens from California to reside there. Mr. Nuisance is attacking Florida and its governor simply because the governor of Florida is likely to be a political opponent of California’s governor in a future run for the White House.

After destroying San Francisco as mayor, then bankrupting, masking and forcing lockdowns on Californians as governor, Mr. Nuisance now has his eyes set on the final destruction of our great nation, and if observant Californians can tell good from bad, they’ll reject Mr. Nuisance’s ambitions for a national seat of power, let him know their displeasure with his performance in office so far, and force him to stay in California until they are able to eliminate him from any further political ambitions, and send him into political oblivion.

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Dave King

Retired AT&T supervisor.

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