Editorial Cartoons

Maduro Caracas-es The Whip – Grrr Graphics – Ben Garrison Cartoon

Maduro Caracas-es The Whip

The old Bolshevik mare just ain’t what she used to be, and she never was.

That’s because socialism doesn’t work and it never has. It starts with cries of ‘equality’ and ‘free stuff’ and ends in misery, despair, and tyranny.

This is not hard to figure out. Nobody wants to work for free and there is no such thing as a free lunch. Someone has to pay for that lunch. Farmers must grow crops and raise cattle. That food must be processed and shipped. Bakers have to bake the bread. Stores and restaurants work to prepare and serve that lunch. It all takes time, effort and labor. If it were free, there would be no incentive for anyone to provide it.

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