Gingrich: Pelosi has lost control of the House
Newt Gingrich believes that the new, far-left extremist liberals in Congress have wrested control of the House from Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA).
“There’s a deep anti-Semitic, anti-Israeli bias on the left,” Gingrich said Wednesday on Hannity. “There are a lot of people on the left who would be very happy if Israel disappeared tomorrow.”
“I think it tells you how strong the forces of the left are now,” he added.
Anti-Semitic views from Muslim Representatives in Congress have put Speaker Pelosi in the awkward spot of angering half of her party if she admonishes the anti-Jewish leftists or angering the other half if she does not.
“She is losing control of the House,” Gingrich said. “She can’t get her party to stay together.”
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So peloosy brought all the terrorists in gave them keys and now they overthrow her ? sound about right