Mitch McConnell Says He Would Consider Bill To Prevent Future Government Shutdowns
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said Tuesday he would consider legislation that would prevent the government from shutting down in the future, as many others in Congress have come out in support of ending the possibility of a shutdown.
“I don’t like shutdowns. I don’t think they work for anybody and I hope they will be avoided. I’d be open to anything that we could agree on, on a bipartisan basis that would make them pretty hard to occur again,” McConnell told reporters in the Capitol.
McConnell’s comments come as multiple members of Congress, both Democrats and Republicans, have introduced legislation that would make it so the government would automatically create a continuing resolution every year to fund the government.
President Donald Trump has not weighed in on this proposal yet, as he is fighting for $5.7 billion in funding for a border wall. As of Tuesday, Democrats are still not willing to budge on a compromise for funding a border wall.
The government is funded until Feb. 15 after Trump signed a short-term spending bill into law Friday.
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