Sessions Says He Has No Plans On Running For Political Office Again
Former Attorney General Jeff Sessions hinted he does not plan on running for political office again Wednesday amid rumors he might challenge Alabama Democratic Sen. Doug Jones for his old Senate seat in 2020.
Sessions, who was fired by President Donald Trump on Nov. 7, said he has no plans to run for his old Senate seat, now occupied by Jones, in an interview with Politico. Sessions said instead, he plans on spending time in “the woods” with his 10 grandchildren.
“No. I mean, no,” Sessions said when asked if he missed the Senate. “I could go back and spend time in the woods. I’ve got 10 grandchildren, oldest is 11.”
Sessions, who was back in Washington D.C. for the funeral of former President George H.W. Bush., also was asked about the way his job ended at the Department of Justice, saying he would be releasing a statement in the future, after clearing his mind.
“I’ve been clearing my brain. I think that’s a fair statement,” Sessions said. “I’ll go to Alabama, do some things and then that will clarify things a little more before I worry about making a statement.”
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