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Have You Heard About Custom Instagram Feed Plugin For WordPress? You Should Learn More About It

Instagram is all about the photos and other feeds, which you can actually display on the WordPress sites. But the procedure is not that simple as it might seems. You need a plugin for that and not just any plugin that pops up right in your head or screen first. You have to check the condition of the plugin, the features and characteristic involved and then finalize on the one you like to have the most. Well, you can always head towards the Custom Instagram Feed plugin, which is designed to help you display some IG photos on the WP site.

All you need to do over here is add the short codes in the normal WP page or the post, for getting the feeds right in. If you are new in this section and want some help with this tool for learning and better understanding, you can visit the link namely for a change and gaining vital knowledge about the plugin.

Some features involved:

Unless you are sure of the features, you cannot just head for any of the plugin. The same goes with Custom Instagram Feed plugin. So, without moving any further, it is mandatory to check out for the features involved in this section right now. These features are noted for the basic version of this plugin and not the advanced ones.

  • Here, you will receive complete responsive values on any of the devices like mobile, iPads and more. It will look amazing in all the noted devices.

  • The set-up procedure is rather simple and way easier than what you have expected. It can easily display photos from various IG accounts right in a single fed.

  • There are noted options available for configuring width, background color and even height of the section, where you are planning to get these IG photos.

  • Under the layout options, it can help you to configure gallery or the feed layout, which is 2 columns, 3 columns and so on and so forth.

  • Under the photo count, you get the option to select number of pictures to be displayed. For example if you select 20 photos to display for the first time, after the 20th one, you can easily end up with nice load more buttons. Whenever you click on those buttons, you can reach out for next set of pictures.

  • You can select the order of the photos easily. You can easily randomize the photo order and also set order from the new to the old one. You can further add padding around every photo.

  • The feature is noted for the configuring load more button. It will define the theme color scheme you have chosen so that the buttons might look like theme buttons more. There will be separate “follow us” button on IG as well.

  • You can further get the chance to add ‘short code attributes,” which will easily help you to display so many feeds right on same page and on different pages by adding short codes to it. There will be a separate support allotted for the “Instagram Embed” as well.

For the advanced version:

Just like with most of the plugins from Instagram, there is a basic and advance version to it. The same goes with Custom Instagram Feed as well. By just investing few bucks from your budget, you can actually get hold of the advance version, along with some of the added features to it. If you want to know more about those features, then log online and get to those added characteristics right away.

  • In this advanced version, you will receive video media support. Here, you get the chance to show video type items in the IG feed. You can further watch the video directly on the website in form of Light box pop up.

  • It can further offer you with hash tag support. It helps in filtering the feeds with help of hash tags. You can further get the chance to add multiple ones. If you set Adidas for example and sports as tag, then you might receive those media items right in feed, which will have these two tags only.

  • Common hash tag based feed support is yet another feature to consider. By default, IG shows all feeds from various hash tags. At this present moment, IG did not have any feature to show feeds common in the present hash tags. The advanced version will have a feature for displaying only the feeds, which are common in various hash tags.

  • User feed filtering is another important nation by hash tag while using this plugin. As you all know that IG has no such phenomena, which will allow you in displaying user feed, as tagged by specified hash tags. So, it is always important to add a feature to work on it.

  • You can enjoy lightbox support in the advanced version only. By default, the Lightbox is noted to be active. So, if you click on any of the video or image, then you will get nice piece of the Lightbox Overlay. Here, in this current overlay window, you get the chance to watch video and further navigate through some of the images. You can further share items on IG. You can also disable it in case you did not want to use it.

  • Socialize feeds form as another important feature in the advanced version. Here, you get the chance to share feed items on IG and on other social servicing channels like Google+, FB, Twitter, LinkedIn, Reddit, Pinterest and StumbleUpon.

  • You get the chance to configure like and even comment icon. You can also hide the like and comment icons by just selecting the checkbox. If you want, you can further chance icon colors. Header support will help you to show some IG profile pictures with name. You can also change text color in header.

So, without wasting any time or money, it is time to go for the Custom Instagram Feed plugin right now.

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