President Donald Trump’s Schedule for Friday, November 16, 2018
President Donald Trump will participate in a Cybersecurity meeting in the morning.
In the afternoon, the president will present the Presidential Medal of Freedom to several recipients then have a meeting with Linda McMahon, the head of the Small Business Administration.
Keep up with Trump on President Trump’s Schedule Page.
President Trump’s schedule for 11/16/18
All Times EST
- 11:30 AM Participate in the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency Act signing ceremony – Oval Office
- 1:00 PM Present the Medal of Freedom [Live Stream] – East Room
- 3:15 PM Meet with the Administrator of the Small Business Administration – Oval Office
White House Briefing Schedule
- None
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Back I see my message spelling error but it’s not my fault when you remember bad memories given by others no fault tears comes it’s natural
So back to discussion about secret not only one video truth many we can published but I feel sorry to say what’s a point to do all this
Yes I understand when a person fall into floor call 911 but think if a person in his /her senses saying just support me I will bring myself up by lifting my body is it crime to help or refuse to help him / her I have 2008 till now work as a caregiver I work only 6 or 7 patients mean disable people I as a caregiver give you 99% honest opinion which patient has what kind of real problem yes I agree most of aid cannot do that why I am exceptional because I studied a lot plus road door to door real different community work experience plus my graduation philosophy and specialization psychology so I am not fit for aids catagery but I am doing job like that because too much work and no proper food I myself become physical leg issue hearing vision but you know work is important so back to your discussion on video reference
I on my personal experience in New York I agree with to get unfair practice in presidential seat might be but if it’s true then another my research will be proof true that
Man is a symbol of wisdom and paradise is under feet of mother
Father whatever can give to his children is best gift of their brought up
I am and I want these topics doing
But hikers was I mean she is wife if president Clinton why ?
Mr video sender oh I am sorry you said you are doctor
Think to get vote do you think we need money
No you are on mistake well I am not political person but sometime if I do deep analysis of my personality I had something in other words call leadership I am not spear any kind of unfairness and to proof right is right wrong is wrong I feel no fear to go all over the world and you know that crowd
For money business point of view hunger crowd
My post degree my major is marketing so out if track
But respect of United States respect of my oath I am keep doing communication with president of United States of America mr Donald trump
He is president he has to inquiry his gov agenda why I ruin America respect while do you think I cannot approach my university fellows my relatives but I do not like any kind of disrecept ofvanerica because I had seen America is great blessing of God
I do not like to listen about president obama because my liking I see he is family oriented president catch 911 stupid criminal who killed so many peoples fool who the hell you are to play with the lives of others God does not say harm anyone yes
I am again lot of religious practices learning long discussion
But people under word Democrats doing unfair it’s wrong crime
Look president president his stretegy towards economy 100% positive approach now instead of becoming his team start criticizing bull shit
And be honest you do not know Dr video sender real road dealing give you clear picture many people like Hillary stretegy get cash from peoples cash word Usa and put thdm in open forest these innocents people many many years work security
I every single day thank to god who made my mother and my mother give birth of my brother who apply for us my brother is Muslim but his wife is domanican so 32 years married life children are on mother religion and now I am thinking if my son become executive or like engineer I wish my brother daughter comes in my house to marriage with my son we Muslim 99% arrange marriage so may be my niece get leading by love of Islam because even Islam says you cannot harm force anyone yes explain what you are reading well again long discussion
So being a presidential seat president need vote honest public vote which she can get instead of doing unfair or wrong way well 1199 personal effort motivate many ways to win election
Again long discussion because after client work I will start pray I can explain on vase if truth and few stretegy which I see what even hypocrites two faces public did But do our discussion is relevant for the video ?