White House Watch
Watch Live: President Trump holds MAGA rally in Erie, Pennsylvania 10/10/18
President Donald Trump holds a Make America Great Again rally Wednesday night.
The rally is being held in Pennsylvania’s 16th congressional district which is home to U.S. Representative Mike Kelly (R) who is holding a slim 5-point lead over his Democratic party challenger Ronald DiNicola in the most recent poll. Kelly is a staunch supporter of President Trump while DiNicola has been critical of the president’s tax cuts, echoing the sentiments of Rep. Nancy Pelosi.
Neither the Governor’s nor Senate seat that are both up for re-election in 2018, look competitive and are expected to remain in DNC hands.
The event is scheduled to begin at 7:00 p.m. ET.
Live Streams of President Trump’s MAGA rally in Erie, PA 10-10-18
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