Joe Scarborough: ‘Gloating’ GOP Is Still Likely To Top Democrats This November
by Nick Givas
Joe Scarborough said despite the GOP’s “gloating” over Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s appointment to the Supreme Court, Republicans will likely continue to mobilize and outvote Democrats this November.
“They won. Sometimes the worst thing that can happen for you politically is to win,” Scarborough said on “Morning Joe” Monday.
Kavanaugh was confirmed by a final vote of 50-48 in the Senate, after a long and contentious confirmation battle, that included allegations of sexual assault from Christine Blasey Ford. Kavanaugh has denied all wrongdoing and was sworn in by Chief Justice John Roberts Saturday evening.
Scarborough compared President Donald Trump’s victory to the collapse of the Soviet Union and said the win might make Republican voters complacent.
“The Soviet Union closed up shop December 25th, 1991. It should’ve been the high water mark for the Bush presidency,” he declared. “The very thing that motivated all Republicans over the course of a generation was taken away when the Soviet Union disbanded. And it allowed Americans to vote for a guy like Bill Clinton who would have never have been elected at the height of the Cold War.”
Scarborough accused Republicans of acting like football players who dance in the end zone after a touchdown, but claimed they will likely maintain their momentum and manage to top Democratic enthusiasm.
“Republicans got what they want. They got their second Supreme Court justice. I’ll say right now, I will be surprised if those who were gloating and winning and spiking the ball in the end zone are less inspired to go vote a month from now than the Democrats who lost,” he concluded.
Scarborough had also previously said the GOP would face “devastating” results if they stuck by Kavanaugh, but pollsters indicate a Republican voter surge ahead of November’s elections.
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