Liberal Hurricane Death Toll Magic: Revise Calculations Upward; Blame Trump
If Obama can take credit for the current roaring economy after 18 months into the Trump presidency, then why is he exempt from blame for the damage and deaths caused by the hurricanes during the same post-Obama interval?
Or to state it differently, how can Obama take credit for the good Trump economy, but liberals still blame Trump for any damage resulting from a hurricane that followed quickly on Obama’s exit from the White House.
Or a third way of stating the hate-Trump phenomenon: how can Obama go into history with no damage to his memory for hurricane destruction, but current-day liberals get to manipulate the figures of storms that have occurred during Trump’s term of office (for example Hurricane Maria, which hit Puerto Rico in 2017) and increase the death toll from 65 proven dead citizens at the time of the hurricane, to 2975 deaths a year later? Where is the proof for this insanely inflated number? And, assuming there is any validity to this new and growing total, one wonders if the recent discovery of hundreds of thousands of bottles of water, found in a warehouse in Puerto Rico, could have possibly contributed to the suffering of Puerto Ricans. What other FEMA emergency supplies were stored, or perhaps sold for personal profit, by Puerto Rican officials?
The government officials in Puerto Rico were in agreement with the official toll of 65 deaths for nearly a year, so why would we not suspect tampering with the figures with this new revelation? And of course the new number must be accompanied with blame for President Trump, with the liberal Democrat officials in Puerto Rico escaping any blame at all.
As of two days ago the liberal swamp establishment of the United States was already blaming President Trump, in advance of landfall, for a Hurricane (Florence) that hadn’t even hit the east coast yet, stating that he is complicit with the storm. They’ll probably add this complicity to Mueller’s growing list of reasons to investigate Trump until the end of time.