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Voter Fraud? 670 Ballots Cast in Precinct With Only 270 Registered Voters

According to the Georgia Secretary of State’s office, 670 ballots were cast in a precinct that has only 270 registered voters.

 As reported by McClatchy: “Habersham County’s Mud Creek precinct in northeastern Georgia had 276 registered voters ahead of the state’s primary elections in May”

“But 670 ballots were cast, according to the Georgia secretary of state’s office, indicating a 243 percent turnout.”

“The discrepancy, included in a number of sworn statements and exhibits filed as part of a federal lawsuit against the state by-election security activists, comes amid swelling public concern for the security of Georgia’s voting systems.”

Georgia is one of four states that uses voting machines statewide that produce no paper record for voters to verify, making them difficult to audit, experts say.”

Georgia is one of many states that use electronic voting machines that do not produce a paper record for voters to be able to verify their ballots. The lack of so-called ‘paper trail’ makes the ballots difficult to audit says elections experts.

“Alongside federal, local and private sector partners, we continue to fight every day to ensure secure and accurate elections in Georgia that are free from interference. To this day, due to the vigilance, dedication and hard work of those partners, our elections system and voting equipment remain secure,” a spokeswoman for the office of Georgia’s Secretary of State Candice Broce wrote in an email.

According to the Chicago Tribune, Georgia’s Secretary of State Brian Kemp “has set up a bipartisan commission to look into changing state voting machines ahead of the 2020 elections, but not in time for the midterm elections this November.”

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Brady Kenyon

Brady is a contributing writer for Conservative Daily News.

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