Twitter Reverses Ruling After Backlash, Concedes It’s Against The Rules To Wish Death Upon Dana Loesch’s Children
by Peter Hasson
Twitter reversed course on Monday and suspended a Twitter account that said National Rifle Association (NRA) spokeswoman Dana Loesch “has to have her children murdered.”
“The only way these people learn is if it affects them directly,” Twitter user Milan Legius wrote in a reply to Loesch on Sunday. “So if Dana Loesch has to have her children murdered before she’ll understand, I guess that’s what needs to happen.”
Twitter initially ruled on Sunday that after “carefully” reviewing the reported tweet, that it had “no violation of the Twitter Rules against abusive behavior.”
Following news coverage from media outlets including The Daily Caller News Foundation, Twitter “re-reviewed” the report on Monday and changed its ruling.
“We have re-reviewed the account you reported and have locked it because we found it to be in violation of the Twitter Rules,” Twitter wrote in an email to Dana’s husband Chris Loesch, who shared it with TheDCNF.
“You may not make specific threats of violence or wish for the serious physical harm, death, or disease of an individual or group of people,” Twitter’s rules state.
“If the account owner complies with our requested actions and stated policies, the account will be unlocked,” Twitter wrote in the email to Loesch, who initially reported the threat against the couple’s children.
“I wish Twitter just treated all users consistently,” Dana told TheDCNF. She is used to abuse on Twitter, where the replies to her tweets are often misogynistic.
Twitter did not immediately return a request for comment.
The NRA, in general, has become a popular target for the activist left, which often scapegoats the NRA for mass shootings its members didn’t commit.
Leftist activists have sought to silence the NRA by getting the nonprofit’s media arm banned from Amazon, Apple and Google’s streaming services. So far, the three have allowed NRATV to remain on their platforms.
Twitter’s reversal on Monday was similar to its reversal on suspending Turning Point USA communications director Candace Owens.
Twitter suspended Owens in April for imitating New York Times editorial board member Sarah Jeong’s anti-white tweets, but restored Owens’ account access following a backlash on social media.
The company attributed Owens’ suspension to an “error.”
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