President Donald Trump’s Schedule for Wednesday, August 8, 2018
President Donald Trump will have dinner with supporters.
The president is staying in Bedminster, New Jersey, while renovations on the Oval Office are completed.
At the end of the day, the Press Office updated us on the president’s day:
President Trump met with his staff, spoke with Vice President Pence, Secretaries Pompeo and Ross, Ambassador Lighthizer, Leader McConnell, Speaker Ryan, Chairwoman McDaniel and Chief of Staff, General Kelly. This evening, the President will participate in a dinner with supporters to benefit the NRCC and Leader McCarthy’s Protect the House joint fundraising committee.
President Trump’s schedule for 8/8/18
All Times EDT:
- 7:30 PM Dinner with supporters – Bedminster, NJ
White House Briefing Schedule
- None
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