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Children’s right under various conventions

Who is a child?

According to UN every individual who is younger than 18 years is considered as a child. In most states they have amended it but generally it is 18 years or sometimes 16 years.

Like every other individual children’s rights are also very important. They are the foundations of society. You will get a better nation if you will be investing in your youth and children. Your efforts would never be in vain. It is our responsibility to understand the importance and significance of our future, which is dependent on our kids.

Developed nations have worked a lot regarding it. in developing countries where there is low economic stability, UN is forcing some children rights. Every culture has got its own ways for children’s rights. In many religion the first right is to give your child a name and in some cultures, kids are given unusual hunter names i.e they are named after great warriors.

Similarly, in Islam you have to do a charity by sacrificing a goat within seven days of birth, in Christianity they have to do that baptism ceremony. Whatever your religion is you have to abide by the rules otherwise you would not be considered a good parent, and you will be the only person who would face the music.

In this article I have briefly explained some children’s rights which are deemed as the responsibility of ach parent, government and society. These can vary according to various nations but I have tried to keep it as general as possible so that you can comprehend what I meant to convey through it.

  • Right to education

According to Un charter, each child has got a right to get education at least up to secondary level. Every state and government is asked for arranging quality education to every child.

Education is a matter of grave consequences. Without education you are snatching the capability of analytical thinking and planning from your kid.

Education has been the basic necessity of today’s kid. Every parent must try to get quality education for the kids. Otherwise there would be nothing for them in the future. Ignorance will eat them up.

  • Right of survival

This includes every basic right. This consists of food, sanitation and basic life facilities. It also includes basic medication.

If you and your government is not making sure about providing these facilities then various NGOs or UN itself can held you for the carelessness.

  • Protection rights

Your kid has got a right to be protected. It is quite obvious kids can not protect them from various culprits. Society and government is held responsible for providing this security.

This includes special care for refugee children who have left their houses because of some political scenarios. You must be very careful about this, if your government is not acting as a pro for these aspects you can ask different NGOs working with UN for political and social assistance.

  • Participation rights

Your kid has got a right to speak. You must make sure that no one is bullying him on speaking his heart out. In various academic institutions the controllers impose various rules for disciplinary purposes.

This can crush your child’s personality; moreover it will instill a feeling of fear and worthlessness as well. It also includes the pragmatic aspect. You must make sur that you have asked your child about his choices and the state along with different institutions have helped you in getting the best of opportunities, if not then you can file a case.

  • Non discrimination right

In developed countries essentially this is taken care of that the kids are never exposed to the lethal approach of discrimination. They must never be told about races and how some races of creeds are better than others.

Rather it must be shunned. Any activity or literature supporting it must be abolished. Similarly, when it comes to admissions and opportunity providence the government must make sure that your kid is not being discarded from an event or being disqualified only because of your race, creed or nation.

  • Rights of an orphan

Government and stat is responsible for providing food shelter and education to children whose parents have deceased. There must be orphan houses just as there are old age houses.

If a state is not doing anything in regard to it, society must take firm steps for solving the issues. Otherwise there will be in increase in societal issues.

  • Responsibility of state when parents are not around

It is a busy life now mums also have to go out and do their stuff for earning. Sometimes when you are a single parent you have to cope with both the job and your house.

Government has to arrange for day care centers and schools for kids, which would take responsibility when mums or dads would not be there for taking care their kid.


Kids are our only human resource in order to prosper as a family or as a nation we will have to take care of them. their school of thoughts, their approaches regarding life must be mended and they must be guided for a better future.

You can not deny the importance of change which can only be brought out through the youth. Our kids will some day be our leaders we must make sure that we are providing ever facility, opportunity and inspiration to them for becoming the best versions of themselves. We must act as an example for them.

Governments and societies must make plans for their children’s education. Time is passing very swiftly, we should organize vents and talks for helping new parents in their parenting styles other wise we all can be in great danger.

Our kids can go astray, the rate of crimes would increase day by day, contaminating our culture societies and in a nutshell the entire world. We will have to be very conscious in this regard. Negligence will lead to ignorance and ignorance will ultimately lead to destruction.

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