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Trump Nominates Kavanaugh – Liberals Go Nuts


Trump nominated Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court Monday. While liberals are going nuts making Judge Brett Kavanaugh out to be a rightwing ideologue, his record tells a different story of a judge committed to applying the law and the Constitution as written. That may be a radical idea to liberals and Democrats, but it is the view that held sway in our judiciary for almost 150 years.  President Trump was looking for a young, solidly conservative and intellectually powerful judge to fill the vacancy on the Supreme Court and he found one in Judge Brett Kavanaugh.

In his statement before America last night Kavanaugh stated, “My judicial philosophy is straightforward. A judge must be independent and must interpret the law, not make the law. A judge must interpret statutes as written, and a judge must interpret the Constitution as written, informed by history and tradition and precedent. For the past 11 years, I’ve taught hundreds of students, primarily at Harvard Law School. I teach that the Constitution’s separation of powers protects individual liberty, and I remain grateful to the dean who hired me, Justice Elena Kagan. As a judge, I hire four law clerks each year. I look for the best. My law clerks come from diverse backgrounds and points of view. I am proud that a majority of my law clerks have been women.”

Kavanaugh concluded, “I will tell each senator that I revere the Constitution. I believe that an independent judiciary is the crown jewel of our constitutional republic. If confirmed by the Senate, I will keep an open mind in every case.”

He clerked for Justice Anthony M. Kennedy — the man he now seeks to succeed — and served on special counsel Kenneth W. Starr’s team in the 1990s.

That long history will give the Senate plenty to review as it looks to confirm Judge Kavanaugh to the high court.

He has been through the process before, having won confirmation to the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia on a 57-36 vote in 2006.

His nomination process then was dominated by his record in the Bush administration.

He has since added 12 years of service and more than 300 opinions on the appeals court.

Kavanaugh is a father and a family man. He feeds the poor with Catholic charities and is a coach to his daughter’s basketball team. He’s giving his time to charity and also tutors some school kids. How much better can you get? He’s giving his daughters the same support his father gave them. How many men do that?  Many of these politicians protesting him are wealthy and scandal ridden so they have no right to throw the first stone.

Democrat lawmakers and liberal groups held a raucous late-night rally on the steps of the Supreme Court to oppose President Trump’s nominee, Brett Kavanaugh.


The rally began shortly after Trump’s 9 p.m. Monday announcement and included chants of “Hell no on Kavanaugh.” The speakers say the nominee poses a threat to abortion rights and health care protections.

This is what you get when libs have no power. It doesn’t matter who he picked, the left would still be in outrage. Even if he said he would leave it open for 6 years, still the same results. Libs protest about the border situation and say they want to reunite children with their families, but at the same time they want unlimited authority to rip fetuses “from our wombs.”

Libs were so sure Obama would replace Scalia with liberal Judge Garland or Hillary would and the court would be liberal for the rest of your life.  Chuck Schumer even called Trump while he was on Air Force One and urged him to pick Garland, but Trump hung up on him after five minutes.  My how Trump upended their plans.

Of course, the liberals are going completely unhinged like they always do protesting Trump’s nominee before he was even nominated or they even knew who was going to be nominated. Considering just how ignorant the Liberals have become this story is no surprise. Just listen to those NYU students condemning the choice when there was no choice. Insanity amongst the liberals is rampant.

Justice Kagan was approved in 90 days the fastest of any judges under Obama and the fastest of any supreme court justice and didn’t have half the credentials  Kavanaugh has and he had 300 major decisions. He is also one of the best legal minds in the country

While liberals are going nuts making Judge Brett Kavanaugh out to be a rightwing ideologue, his record tells a different story of a judge committed to applying the law and the Constitution as written.

Washington’s WTOP Radio reports Kavanaugh’s professional life has been a succession of jobs that have raised his profile in legal circles. After earning undergraduate and law degrees at Yale, he was a Kennedy law clerk in the early 1990s before joining independent counsel Kenneth Starr’s team, where Kavanaugh co-wrote the report that served as the basis for President Bill Clinton’s impeachment.

Kavanaugh worked on the effort by Bush’s campaign to halt the recount of votes in Florida in the disputed presidential election between Bush and Al Gore in 2000. WTOP also reports he worked in Bush’s White House for five years, including nearly three as Bush’s staff secretary.

Judge Kavanaugh will protect our religious liberties, uphold the rule of law, and interpret the Constitution as it was originally understood by our Founders.
Senate liberals know that we have the opportunity to reshape the Supreme Court for an entire GENERATION, and they are ready to obstruct and unleash a smear campaign against our nominee. They and their protesters in the street are acting like big crybabies, stomping their feet to get their way. I can’t wait to see liberals in a complete rage when  President Trump appoints conservatives to replace the aged Ginsburg and Breyer who may be up next.

Just like during Justice Gorsuch’s confirmation hearings, we need to remind Democrats to stop playing politics and to put America FIRST. Fasten your seat belts everyone because it’s going to be a wild and crazy bumpy ride.

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Jim Clayton

I am a retired former newspaper reporter and retail sales person. I'm a politically conservative easy going person from New Jersey. I am married to a wonderful wife and like talking and writing about movies,, concerts I attend and current events all which I write about here. I would enjoy hearing from anyone on my articles and they can write to me here.

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