President Donald Trump’s Schedule Sunday, July 15, 2018
President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump will travel to Helsinki, Finland on Sunday.
President Trump’s schedule for 7/15/18
All Times LOCAL/EDT:
- 3:05 PM / 10:05 AM The president and first lady depart Turnberry, Scotland, United Kingdom, en route to Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom
- 3:50 PM / 10:50 AM The president and first lady arrive at Glasgow Prestwick Airport – Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom
- 4:00 PM / 11:00 AM The president and first lady depart Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom, en route to Vantaa, Finland
- 9:00 PM / 2:00 PM The president and first lady arrive at Helsinki Airport – Helsinki, Finland
- 9:30 PM / 2:30 PM The president and first lady arrive at Hilton Helsinki Kalastajatorppa – Helsinki, Finland
White House Briefing Schedule
- None
See all of the president’s schedules HERE
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