President Donald Trump’s Schedule for Monday, July 30, 2018
President Donald Trump will receive his daily briefing as prepared by the intelligence community then he will meet with Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte of Italy.
In the afternoon, President Trump and Prime Minister Conte will hold a joint press conference in the Rose Garden.
Then, the president will participate in a swearing-in ceremony for the incoming Secretary of the Department of Veterans Affairs Robert Wilkie.
President Trump’s schedule for 7/30/18
All Times EDT:
- 11:15 AM Receive intelligence briefing – Oval Office
- 12:10 PM Participate in the arrival of the Prime Minister of the Italian Republic
- 12:15 PM Meets with the Prime Minister of the Italian Republic – Oval Office
- 12:45 PM Participate in an expanded bilateral meeting with the Prime Minister of the Italian Republic – Cabinet Room
- 2:00 PM Host a Joint Press Conference with the Prime Minister of the Italian Republic – Rose Garden [Live Stream]
- 2:30 PM Participate in the departure of the Prime Minister of the Italian Republic – West Wing Lobby
- 4:30 PM Participate in the swearing-in ceremony for the Secretary of the Department of Veterans Affairs – Oval Office
White House Briefing Schedule
- None
See all of the president’s schedules HERE
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