Hannity: I Don’t Care What the Left Thinks about Me, I Just Care about What’s Right
“I don’t care what the left thinks of me I just care about whats right,” said Fox News host Sean Hannity on Sunday.
Appearing on Life Liberty and Levin, Hannity was asked by Host Mark Levin to comment on what it is like being attacked by the left.
“The most important thing to me is I don’t care, not even a little bit Mark one bit what the left thinks of me I just care about whats right. Like you, I have a love and a passion for this country.”
Hannity further stated further commented on his need to have his own style. Separate from talk radio icons like Mark Levin and Rush Limbaugh:
“I always brought up in 2016 I do it by design it’s my way, you have your gifts and your unique style, Rush has his unique style I like to be myself I saw 13 million more on food stamps 8 million more in poverty I saw the lowest labor participation rate since the 70s worse recovery since the 40s doubling the debt I give those numbers out regularly on purpose because those are real people real Americans real suffering and they are suffering because of government failure.”
Levin further asked Hannity, “But why do you think you’re attacked the way you are attacked?”
“I’m attacked because for a lot of these people it’s about power. We had the most unbeliavable week where Pam Bondi is attacked think about this Secretary Nielsen attacked, Sarah Huckabee is attacked, conservatives are being thrown out of restauratns, they are being followed. You have high profile Democrats suggesting that we get confronted in gas stations and restaurants, whereever you see, It’s like a mob mentality has taken over.”
Hannity continued arguing the reason for it is that the economy has dramatically improved and we’re now in the silly season where Democrats have only one playbook.
“The real reason is for it is that in 500 days the economy has flipped dramatically every economic indicator we have is off the charts. We’re now in the silly season where Democrats have only one single playbook and that is Republicans are racist, sexist, misogynist, homophobic, xenophobic, islamophobic and it’s one big lie.”