Two Deputy National Security Advisors stepping down
White House Deputy National Security Advisor, Dr. Rick Waddell, is stepping down, according to the White House. The announcement comes just a day after Deputy National Security Advisor Nadia Schadlow announced her resignation.
“Dr. Rick Waddell plans to step down from his position at the White House,” Deputy Press Secretary Lindsay Walters said in a statement. “Dr. Waddell is highly respected and very well liked within the White House and the United States Army.”
Dr. Waddell will stay on board for the immediate future to help ensure a smooth and orderly transition.
“The administration thanks Dr. Schadlow for her service and leadership in crafting the President’s ‘America First’ national security strategy,” Deputy Press Secretary Raj Shah said in a statement yesterday. “We wish Nadia and her family the best.”
Dr. Schadlow will stay on until April 27th to help during the transition.
The announcements come as former Ambassador John Bolton forms his team as he readies to take the helm as National Security Advisor.