Democrats Are “Concerned” About Trump Getting The “Right People In Place”. But I’m Not.
Now, with several Trump administration positions having been vacated in the last few days, the liberal Democrats, in an obvious, cheap attempt to dump criticism on their worst enemy, Donald Trump, are wringing their hands about Trump not being able to “get the right people in place”. It’s true that Barack Obama didn’t have the same level of turnover in his administration, but that’s more a sign of leftists all being in agreement as to how to “Fundamentally Transform America” along the lines passed down to us from Karl Marx, than a concern for a smoothly functioning government.
As proof that Obama had fewer vacancies than Trump, but that his administration did a much worse job of preserving our constitution, our wealth and our liberties, I would offer the following list:
1. Attorney General Eric Holder was held in contempt of Congress for not allowing the legislative branch see records related to the horrible scandal of Fast and Furious, and Obama remained silent on the matter of the first contempt charge being registered against a sitting Attorney General.
Attorney General Holder also nationalized several police forces throughout the country, beginning with the Ferguson, Mo., police department, thereby taking control of a locally-controlled force and shaping it to be a leftist, police-hating department that would allow criminals to run free for fear of upsetting the Black Lives Matters movement, along the lines of our modern-day sanctuary cities schemes, which idea gained popularity later.
2. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is the Obama appointee, if Democrats will recall, who employed an illegal and unsecured email system that allowed our national enemies to access her classified messages and do untold subversive things with the classified information they contained. She even intentionally passed along classified messages to her minions, messages that they didn’t have the clearance to see, and then lied, under oath, to the FBI about her illegal actions.
Hillary Clinton also sold a large portion of America’s Uranium supply to Russia in exchange for over a hundred million dollars of contributions to the Clinton family slush fund and Global Initiative.
3. Obama’s IRS leader, Lois Lerner, illegally prevented Republicans and other conservatives from using the IRS laws to their advantage, but she allowed Democrats to use the law to their full tax benefit. This is the height of political corruption, and Obama let it slide.
4. Obama’s National Security Advisor, Susan Rice, went public several times in order to cover up the Benghazi scandal and the American lives that were lost there, and we still don’t know what happened that night, nor do we know why Barack Obama was missing-in-action during the entire event.
5. Omama’s Healthcare czar, Ezekial Emanual, was successful in unconstitutionally and illegally depriving Americans of their chosen healthcare plan and forced Obamacare on them, to their great economic and personal health disadvantage.
6. The Obama administration introduced their leftist Promise Program, which phonied-up crime statistics in an attempt to show a sharp reduction in minority crime rates under the Obama presidency, but only accomplished such an outcome on paper, and this farce ultimately led to the Florida school shooting in which seventeen students were killed by a young man with an Hispanic name, but he was not investigated because the Promise Program paid the police to ignore such suspicions of minority threat.
7. The Obama administration not only allowed Iran to continue to develop a nuclear weapon, but it helped that cause along by giving the Mullah’s a cargo plane full of a billion-and-a-half dollars of various nation’s cash currencies.
8. The Obama administration expressed an intention to “contain” ISIS as this evil force raped and murdered its way across the Middle East. Whomever was advising Obama had no intention of containing these mass murderers for a second.
9. The Obama administration illegally and unconstitutionally opened up our southern border to masses of invaders, and allowed Democrat mayors to set up sanctuary cities in order to protect the illegal alien criminals that flowed across our borders by the tens of thousands.
10. The Obama administration increased regulations and taxes on American businesses to the point that unemployment increased heavily as corporations were burdened by the job-killing regulations, and were also hit hard by healthcare costs following the passage of Obamacare.
11. Obama appointed at least two Supreme Court justices based not on their standing with the Bar Association, but based exclusively on their sex, politics and ethnicity.
The Trump administration has been more successful at getting its promised agenda in place in its first year than most administrations have accomplished in four years, and in doing so Donald Trump has done more to restore prosperity and liberty to America than any president in history. With Trump’s concentration on the American constitution and obeying the laws of the land, thinking people are not worried about a little movement among his cabinet, the various Secretaries and his White House staff. Liberal administrations only appoint people to official positions who are willing to push for the “Fundamentally Transform of America”, and that process leads to corruption of the most severe sort for a constitutional democracy.
Call me old fashioned, but I’ll take a patriot like Trump any day, staff shake-ups and all, over an America-hater and constitution-denier like Barack Obama.