In Spite of All the Attacks,The Trump Train Keeps Rolling Along!!!
Donald Trump has been the victim of attack after attack after attack since the day he took office from people like crazy Maxine Waters to the liberal destroy Trump media. In spite of all the attacks and calling for his ouster, the Trump train keeps rolling along undeterred.
Since Trump took office remarkable positive things have been happening that you won’t hear in the mainstream media. Things like:
*In the third quarter GDP was up 3.3% and headed for 4%. Obama was the only president never to reach 3% annually. In fact, under Obama, the country experienced the slowest economic recovery since the 1940’s.
*In Oct. 261,000 new jobs were created bringing a total to almost two million so far. Under Obama 11 million more people were on food stamps, 41 million people were in poverty and home ownership was the lowest in 51 years.
*Under trump unemployment is at a 17 year low.
*Consumer confidence is at a 17 year high
*The stock market is breaking records daily.
*Trump’s new tax plan that passed in the house is a great start for the new year if the Senate will pass it. It contains:
*a $12,000 deduction for any single person.
*A $24,000 deduction for people filing jointly.
*It ends the mandate for Obamacare.
*The corporate tax rate is lowered from 35 % to 20% which means they will be able to hire more at higher wages amongst other things.
*The marginal tax rate is lowered to 38.5%. Not enough but it is a start. Under Reagan the marginal tax rate was lowered from 70% to 28% and you had the greatest economic boom in history.
* A 10% reparation from corporations overseas which means trillions coming back into this country so factories and manufacturing plants can be built for the forgotten men and women who were left behind under Obama.
*A family of four making $60,000 a year can expect a 60% tax cut and a family receiving $50,000 a year can expect a 50% tax cut.
It’s not perfect and would be better if it was an across the board tax cut like under Reagan but it is a start.
Having failed the American people for eight years, Democrats like Chuck Schumer need all this to fail. They obviously don’t care about the country or else they would get behind Trump and help pass his agenda. They think they know better how to spend your money that you earned better than you do which is why they raise taxes and let you have back what they think you deserve. All they care about is their own power and Russia, Russia Russia and “who can we get rid of today.”
From touting national security via the three versions of his travel ban, to green lighting two pipelines his predecessor blocked, to ending an immigration program that affects millions, to targeting federal regulations to altering the 2010 health care law and beyond, the 45th president and his team have been unapologetic about his use of executive powers.
In a sign that many congressional Republicans are standing beside the president, scores among their ranks — especially in the House — have fully embraced Trump’s orders, actions and memoranda.
“There was a lot to unpack and undo from the last eight years with the previous administration,” Oklahoma Rep. Tom Cole said. “I think that was particularly the case with President Obama, who was aggressive in his use of regulations. President Trump has been working hard to remove those burdens. And I think that’s the right thing for him to be doing.”
Wednesday when asked about President Donald Trump retweeting three controversial videos, Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT) said Trump had “been one of the best presidents” he served under.
Hatch said, “I’m not aware of it. I don’t pay much attention to his tweets. I’ll say this for you. He’s been one of the best presidents I’ve served under. And the reasoning is, he’s not afraid to make decisions. He’s not afraid to take on the — the big mouths around here.”
Right you are Orin. Right you are.