President Donald Trump’s Schedule for Wednesday, November 1, 2017
It’s November already and on Wednesday morning, President Donald Trump will receive his daily briefing as provided by the intelligence community then hold a Cabinet Meeting.
In the afternoon, the President will sign the National Veterans and Military Families Month Proclamation, have lunch with Vice President Mike Pence, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, and Secretary of Defense James Mattis and meet with the Chairwoman of the Republican National Committee.
Later, the president will then sign H.J. Res. 111 Disapproving of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureaus Arbitration Agreements Rule.
President Trump’s schedule for 11/1/17
- 11:00 AM Receive daily intelligence briefing – Oval Office
- 11:30 AM Hold a Cabinet Meeting – Cabinet Room
- 12:30 PM Sign the National Veterans and Military Families Month Proclamation – Oval Office
- 12:35 PM Lunch with Vice President Mike Pence, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, and Secretary of Defense James Mattis – Private Dining Room
- 2:00 PM Meet with the Chairwoman of the Republican National Committee – Oval Office
- 3:30 PM Sign H.J. Res. 111 Disapproving of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureaus Arbitration Agreements Rule – Oval Office
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