President Donald Trump’s Schedule for Tuesday, September 26, 2017

President Donald Trump will receive his daily intelligence briefing then meet with bipartisan representation from the House Committee on Ways and Means. Afterward, the President will receive a briefing on hurricane recovery efforts.

In the afternoon, the President will meet with Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy of Spain, and, after a working luncheon with him, the two leaders will hold a joint press conference.

The President will then depart the White House for Joint Base Andrews, en route to New York, NY where the President will participate in a U.S. Mission greeting then meet with the Chairwoman of the Republican National Committee (RNC).

In the evening, the President will participate in a roundtable with RNC supporters and deliver a speech at the RNC finance dinner.

President Trump’s schedule for Tuesday, 9/26/17

  • 10:00 AM Receive daily intelligence briefing – Oval Office
  • 10:30 AM Meet with bipartisan members of the House Committee on Ways and Means – Roosevelt Room
  • 11:30 AM Receive a briefing on hurricane recovery efforts – White House Situation Room
  • 12:15 PM Welcome Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy of Spain
  • 12:20 PM Meet with Prime Minister Rajoy – Oval Office
  • 12:35 PM Working luncheon with Prime Minister Rajoy – Cabinet Room
  • 1:45 PM Joint press conference with Prime Minister Rajoy – Rose Garden [Live Stream]
  • 2:45 PM Depart the White House en route to Joint Base Andrews – South Lawn
  • 3:05 PM Depart Washington, D.C. en route to New York, NY – Joint Base Andrews
  • 4:00 PM Arrives in New York – John F. Kennedy International Airport
  • 4:10 PM Depart John F. Kennedy International Airport en route to Wall Street Landing Zone
  • 4:30 PM Arrive at the Wall Street Landing Zone
  • 5:00 PM Participate in a U.S. Mission greeting – United States Permanent Mission to the United Nations
  • 6:10 PM Meet with the Chairwoman of the Republican National Committee (RNC) – Le Cirque Restaurant
  • 6:25 PM Participate in roundtable with RNC supporters – Le Cirque Restaurant
  • 7:35 PM Deliver speech at the RNC finance dinner – Le Cirque Restaurant
  • 8:45 PM Depart Wall Street Landing Zone en route to John F. Kennedy International Airport
  • 9:15 PM Departs New York, NY en route to Washington, D.C. – John F. Kennedy International Airport
  • 10:10 PM Arrive in Washington, D.C. – Joint Base Andrews
  • 10:30 PM Arrive at the White House – South Lawn

Correction: This article was updated to reflect the correct title for the Prime Minister of Spain instead of President as reported by the White House Press Office.

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Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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