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President Trump holds rally in Phoenix, AZ 8/22/17 [Live Stream]
President Donald Trump holds a rally in Phoenix, Arizona.
Both Arizona Senators have gone anti-Trump and sound much more like the extremist left than the Republican party they pretend to represent. Perhaps this is Trump’s way of letting them know that if they want to live by the swamp, they will die by the swamp. 2018 is coming and working Americans are coming with it.
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Phoenix’s highest ‘elected’ official has thrown down the glove while baiting and fanning the flames of the Anti-Trump/America . He has issued an ‘invitation’ to every hate group in the Country to participate in the “protest” tonight…..President Trump is going where no man has gone before….away from political correctness…He has chosen to put you and I and all of the Americans first.
I hope that everyone that voted for his leadership will take a moment and pray for a peaceful evening in Phoenix…..
Kudos to Boston law enforcement for their handling of the protest
Stay safe….our country is depending on your guidance.
Let me know how I can help!!!