Fanatic Elizabeth Warren Calls for Liberals to Take Extreme Leftward Turn
This weekend’s Netroots Nation gathering of Democratic party activists in Atlanta has been thrilled by such radicals as Keith Ellison who called all Republicans racist and other assorted deranged demagogues but one in particular brought down the house.
Senator Elizabeth Warren who is fondly known as Pocahontas or Fauxahontas gave a speech so intense that it could have taken place in a 1930’s German beer hall.
Adorned in her trademark blue blazer that is a dead ringer for the favored wardrobe of Kim Jong-un, Warren denounced moderate Democrats – an endangered species – and called for the foot soldiers to take a hard-left turn in advance of the 2020 election.
When Elizabeth Warren vowed to a crowd in Atlanta that she “would persist,” chants of “Warren 2020” rose up
— The New York Times (@nytimes) August 13, 2017
As reported by the New York Times “Elizabeth Warren Takes Aim at Moderates and Generates Chants of ‘Warren 2020’”:
Senator Elizabeth Warren used a speech to a grass-roots conference Saturday to take direct aim at Democrats’ diminished moderate wing, ridiculing Clinton-era policies and jubilantly proclaiming that liberals had taken control of the party.
While not invoking former President Bill Clinton or Hillary Clinton by name, Ms. Warren sent an unambiguous message that she believes the Clinton effort to push Democrats toward the political center should be relegated to history.
“The Democratic Party isn’t going back to the days of welfare reform and the crime bill,” she said, highlighting measures Mr. Clinton signed into law as president that are reviled by much of the left. “It is not going to happen.”
Yet Ms. Warren, a Massachusetts Democrat who is widely thought to be considering running for president in 2020, noted to about 1,000 activists here for the yearly Netroots Nation meeting that they hardly needed to worry about the party shifting to the middle as it did in the 1990s. Liberals, she said, have taken charge.
“We are not the gate-crashers of today’s Democratic Party,” Ms. Warren said, invoking a term first used to describe the liberal blogosphere that emerged a decade ago. “We are not a wing of today’s Democratic Party. We are the heart and soul of today’s Democratic Party.”
Princess Shrieking Moonbat is truly a dangerous politician because of the vengefulness of her rhetoric and the ability to nearly hypnotically appeal to those with souls lost in darkness and hearts filled with hate.
All that is missing is a certain funny little mustache because she just called for what amounts to a Night of the Long Knives within the Democratic Party.
Just listen to this, it’s so reminiscent of railing against injustices inflicted at Versailles and wiping out the “stain” of European Jewry that it’s pretty freaking scary.
As much as it sucks to say this, Kamala Harris is preferable to the type of insurrection that this insane harpy would provoke if she gets the nomination. At least Harris is only driven by self-aggrandizement and a colossal ego, Fauxahontas is downright frightening, you can see the fires of madness burning in her eyes.
Totally certifiable as “unhinged” from the shoulders up….I imagine if you had her, Hillary and Bernie locked in a room by themselves for a few days, you’d find 3 lifeless bodies when you opened the door.