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Ah Jeez: CNN will “attempt to try to be independent”

CNN Broken NewsYou just can’t make this stuff up! The CEO of CNN parent Time Warner Jeff Bewkes sought to assuage the concerns of shareholders during a meeting Thursday by telling them that he’ll try to not be so biased… really.

“Mr. Bewkes, we have urged you many times to make CNN more objective,” VP of Public Policy Research David Almasi told Bewkes. “But bias is apparently worse than ever. As shareholders, we are concerned about the reputational risk to our investment in Time Warner, as CNN appears to be a key player in the war against the Trump presidency.”

“We will recommit — I’ll do it to you now — for an attempt to try to be independent,” Bewkes responded. “I do understand from your questions that you’re skeptical that we’re achieving that. You think we haven’t.”

So Bewkes will attempt to try to be independent. If I told my kid to clean his room and his answer was that he’d “attempt to try”, oh lordy – to quote the now infamous James Comey.

CNN has no interest in unbiased journalism. It never has and never will. Its audience wants bias, its leadership promotes it and its financial backers expect it.

The vast majority of all of CNN’s guests that day (96, or 78% of the total) were Trump critics, compared to a handful of pro-Trump guests (just seven, or 6% of the total). Another 13 guests were neutral, and seven offered mixed assessments of the administration.

Looking just at CNN’s own on-air talent, the results were even more tilted, with 69 appearances by anti-Trump analysts, vs. just two for pro-Trump analysts — CNN political commentator Paris Dennard, who appeared during the latter half of the 3:00pm ET hour, and CNN political commentator Jason Miller, a former Trump campaign aide, who appeared in the 8pm ET hour of Anderson Cooper 360.

CNN has also been caught on video fabricating a live event to fit a Muslim-friendly narrative after the Radical Islamic terror event in London.

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Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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  1. The political narratives that inhabits the country show only signs of worsening under the stress being applied by the national media. There is bias were objectivity should prevail, a constant assault on the masses to sway opinions is a constant deluge of information tilted in one direction or the other. What is behind the situation that has grasped the nation? Wagging a finger in one direction or another is not going to help the situation, we need to see it and be able to point at a culprit.
    The last administration promised to fundamentally change the nation as we knew it. This administration is attempting to reintroduce this country as a geopolitical world leader. One administration failed and this one will too, by the same forces that really prevail in both instances. What are these influences that sway the till of politics in all nations? Perhaps there should be a special council to investigate this influence that pushes the political bearing of all. We have heard the name spoken by the media on occasion and is chosen by all sources to not do any follow up. So why not name it and do real journalism into Special Interest?
    Special Interest is biased to the point of a singular interest and damn be all others. The last administration was allowed to play with its social reform ideas as long as it didn’t interfere with the bottom line, all they needed to worry with is the foundations to donate to. This government is feared by all special interests for the reason that its’ leader knows well how to manipulate and milk the system and has promised to do something about it because he admits to using the system. It appears that something in special interest is amiss with the presence of such titanic pressure being brought to bear against this administration by these interests. Smell the fear, is the free ride over or just beginning?
    Before the political stress become too great and the very fiber that holds us together is irredeemably torn and leaves us all as rags and refuse in world history. Bring the country back to everyone believing in everyone’s right to be wrong, for that is our right as Americans. Call for a Special Council to investigate Special Interests the real enemy.

    1. Is this tongue-in-cheek? Not following what your point is. Are you truly calling for special council to investigate?? Then who will investigate the investigators? Free ride over, or just beginning?? You lost me. So much fake news out there nowadays, who knows what’s true?? Better off to give up ALL tv news (with the exception of One America News Network). Identify 30-40 trustworthy sources online, then triple- or quadruple-check EVERYTHING. It also helps to have a Constant in your life (something that NEVER varies). For me it is my faith. I’m Roman Catholic, and would be totally lost without my faith. Good luck.

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