If nothing else, Democrats are consistent!
You have to give the Democrats credit. They are by all definitions consistent. Consistently wrong, consistently bigoted, and consistently racist. But consistent nonetheless.
Now, I don’t mean all Democrats. I do have family and friends who are cultural Dems. Grandma was a Dem. Dad was a Dem. So, by osmosis, they are also a Dem, but they speak and vote like a Republican. This is not directed as those people. This is for those Kool-Aid drinking, goose-stepping followers of the New Democrat Socialist Elite Party. Listen up!
Everyone with 2 brain cells to rub together has figured out you just simply hate Republicans. Period. There is nothing, and I mean absolutely nothing, that Donald Trump is going to do to make you happy or even get a passing nod from you. He could rescue a child from a burning building and you would want to know why he didn’t have more money allocated so the fire department could have gotten there first.
In President Trump’s search for the new FBI Director, one under serious consideration as a nominee is Senator Joe Lieberman. Democrat leadership is going nuts because they feel like he is not a good fit and, for the first time in a while, I find myself in agreement. Not necessarily for the same reason, but still the wrong choice. At times it seems the Trump Administration is soft shoeing it to make some political peace. I, for one, am here to tell them, STOP! It doesn’t work. They don’t want peace. They want control.