White House Press Briefing with Sean Spicer 3/22/17
White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer briefs the press Wednesday on the issues of the day. The briefing is scheduled for 1:30 pm eastern time.
Likely topics to be covered:
- Parliament attack
- North Korea‘s failed missile launch
- U.S. / NATO meetings and dust-up
- Judge Gorsuch‘s confirmation hearing
- American Health Care Act status
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No PAUL RYAN Healthcare Plan IT’S NOT WHAT WE WERE PROMISED. PAUL RYAN is a snake in the GRASS. He’s going to blame President Trump making him take the fall.Listen to the Freedom Caucus Members. I don’t want this Bill. IT’S OBAMA CARE TWIN
I watched a video online that Ryan is on the payroll of George Soros! That would tell all why Ryan couldn’t get the plan approved. It was just yanked!!!