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WATCH: Fists Fly in Hollywood as Trump Supporters Protest the Oscars

Things got heated and at least one person was arrested as Trump supporters gathered on Hollywood boulevard to push for a boycott of the Academy Awards.

A bypasser, who just could not fathom anyone supporting President Donald Trump, attacked one of the protesters, destroying her placard and assaulting her. That person was immediately arrested.

“We are boycotting many actors and films and directors,” one participant said on camera, “who have an anti-American agenda, a globalist agenda or anti-Trump agenda.”

Placards held up by protesters read “Mexicans for Trump,” California for Trump,” and “Women for Trump” illustrating a diverse set of Americans willing to challenge the extremist left agenda in Hollywood.

The video does match the weather report for the 25th which is when the video was reportedly filmed.

update: 02-27-17: Added Hollywood weather chart that shows the video and weather lining up on 02-25-17 which is when the video was dated.


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Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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    1. How clueless (stupid) does a liberal have to be to say something like that about a peaceful protest in light of the thousands of tantrums, largely violent and obstructive, thrown by dim-witted Democrats?

    1. The video had a datestamp of the 25th. We’ve been unable to confirm if that’s the recording date but it would match the weather on that day if the stamp is correct.

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