
It’s Always Global Warming’s Fault

While traveling last week I chanced to hear a radio program out of Miami that discussed the critical, life threatening subject of the national movement of beach sand and the fact that Florida is running out of sand and may have to buy sand from the Bahamas in the near future in order to keep Florida’s beaches beautiful. I sat on the edge of my seat in anticipation, and was eventually rewarded with the announcement of the blame for this most-serious subject. The culprit was, of course, climate change/global warming.

One will recall Obama claiming at his inauguration ceremony that his administration would halt the (alleged) warming that has caused the oceans to rise, and at one point he specified Miami as being especially threatened by rising sea water.  One of the “scientific” officials on the Miami radio program I listened to assured the listening audience that, even though it “could not be measured”, the ocean is indeed rising, and said that Miami is frequently experiencing high ocean levels. So Miami is experiencing high ocean levels but Fort Lauderdale and Key West aren’t? How do high ocean levels become so selective?  If melting icebergs were causing the ocean levels to rise, the entire coastal area of Florida would be inundated. But only Miami is impacted?

And if it can’t be measured, how can rising water be proven to be happening?  Where is the evidence? Anyone who has visited a coastal area knows that during periods of storms and high winds, the water will rise, and then go back to normal after the winds have died down. So my question to proponents of a rising sea caused by global warming is: what streets in Miami have salt water running in them?

Salt water in the streets of Miami or Manhattan or Laguna Beach would be a warmer’s wet dream and they’d be screaming this evidence of their contention of warming from every roof top. But have you heard news reports of any such event happening? No! Are there any pictures showing flooded neighborhoods in Miami, especially at times when no bad weather could be the temporary cause? No! Because it’s not happening.

But one should not be surprised by these off-hand claims of warming/change. After all when it gets cold, they blame warming; when it’s hot, they blame warming; if there’s a tornado, they blame warming; if there’s a hurricane, they blame warming; record cold weather in Florida, they blame warming; record show-fall in Hawaii, they blame warming. Can one see a trend here?

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Dave King

Retired AT&T supervisor.

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  1. Dave it would be appreciated if you would put forth the type of effort for your posts which I”m sure you expected out of your employees when you were with AT&T and Verisign.

    First if you had checked the internet you would of discovered both Ft. Lauderdale and Key West are also experiencing sea level rise. I did not hear the same program which you did but sea level rise can be difficult to measure over time for a variety of reasons; changes in technology, in areas like bays and the like water flow into and out of the bay can have changed over time, etc. For most coastal communities probably the most important factor is how often do your streets flood? And this has been happening with increasing frequency as the sea level rises. Poor weather has almost always been associated with these types of events, making the slight increase of when they occur even more alarming and changes in weather patterns can and will effect coastal flooding frequency.

    Not being from a coastal state or community the importance of this may be hard to realize but in many places this has increase already five or more days out of the year. Think about what this means to businesses in those areas or to property values in the area. Five lost days of business during the year, five or more days of having to park your vehicle away from your home because you don’t want it to get flooded with saltwater? As an older individual I’m sure you can understand the inconvenience that could be for many individuals.

    Whether or not Republicans takes sea level rise seriously, the insurance industry does. They are going up on rates in these areas or pulling out of them all together. I recently read it’s not uncommon for insurance costs to as much as triple. Could you afford this with your home owners insurance? This means as tax payers you and I are going to be stuck paying the bill for these individuals federal flood insurance and FEMA relief. Should government be covering people with our tax dollars who choose to live in high risk areas?

    Beach renourishment is also not cheap and getting sand from the Bahamas would be incredibly expensive, should you and I be paying for this? Look what one person from Key West had to say about combating sea level rise; “”They will recognize that they have to raise their houses. We will have to make adjustments in our roads,” he says. “When you think about it, if the Dutch can adapt by having a series of barriers against the North Sea that they maintain at great expense, then we can adapt.” This will be people in Kansas paying for people to live in Key West.

    That climate change is occurring is unquestionable. Look at the change in the length of growing seasons since 1900. Depending on where you live in the US it’s changed from 6 – 20 days. You can also look at changes in bird migration dates. For birds like most ducks who like most ducks only migrate when the weather and food scarcity forces them to those dates are getting pushed further and further back. Look and the dates for the first and last frost of the year. For many of the most popular types of flowering plants people have been keeping records of when they bloom and they too have been occurring usually earlier (I don’t know but I would expect some late fall bloomers to bloom later, people don’t seem to get as excited about that.)

    In coastal areas that beaches need to be renourished is a sign of rising sea levels (and often poor beach management practices). As rates of sea levels rise beaches looses sand at ever increasing rates. Pleases note this is a very broad generalization, but it does hold true in most cases, it does however take a certain amount of sea level rise to continuously deposit sand on barrier island, and even then they are moving towards the mainland. Not sure how this affects mainland beaches.

    You are right Dave about how annoying it is the way people want to attribute every weather event to global warming. It’s alot like asking if a certain dollar you spent on an advertising campaign is the one which resulted in the sale. The best we can reasonably say is the more you spend on advertising in theory the more sales you should get but trying to attribute any single one is ludicrous. Thanks for pointing this out.

    Climate change is an expense waste of money, it goes against conservative values and ignoring it is fiscally irresponsible and morally bankrupt. As conservatives we all have a responsibility to get our heads out of the expensive beach sand and demand action be taken for moral and financial reasons.

  2. No no Dave, it’s the Republican’s fault……or still hear some say Bush’s fault.

    BEN needs to check your byline title it say OPINION….he said that the Dutch have dikes…boy the ones in New Orleans sure didn’t do much…..I think that most of the public realizes that living on a water front is living with a certain amount of peril and risk.

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