WikiLeaks: Bernie had ‘non-aggression’ pact with Clinton during campaign
A fresh batch of WikiLeaks released Podesta emails contains communication about an agreement that Bernie and Hillary had preventing Sanders from attacking Hillary [emphasis added]: To: Date: 2015-05-26 12:04 Subject: Fwd: Sanders criticism —————————————- This isn’t in keeping w the agreement. Since we clearly have some leverage, would be good to flag this for him. I could send a signal via Welch–or did you establish a direct line w him?
The details of the agreement don’t appear in the email, but, at a minimum, it’s evident that the Clinton campaign had some leverage over Bernie which forced him to agree not to talk about Hillary’s wealth.
my guess is leverage was appointments, working against him on future Senate run, Platform.
— eric (@ericisaac) November 5, 2016
How far did the agreement go? Was Bernie’s candidacy just a way to gather the millennials and far left progressives that Clinton could never excite and hand them to Hillary in November?
Sanders’ supporters aren’t likely to receive this email well. Already feeling betrayed over the DNC colluding with the Clinton campaign against Bernie, many are now voting for anyone but Hillary.
I will. Me and my mom are going to vote together for him and maybe Jill Stimes.
— Mary Tyler Moore (@FrickMaryTyler) November 5, 2016