Popular Educational Video Maker Has Several Videos ‘Restricted’ by YouTube
Twitter and Youtube are increasingly censoring or restricting content that might effectively dissuade someone away from their obviously progressive ideology and now PragerU, one of CDN’s favorite content makers has been hit with YouTube’s “restricted” label.
According to a plea of support by the PragerU team, YouTube has placed 10% of their videos on the restricted category which could limit access to the educational videos.
We’ve posted PragerU’s videos on CDN on many occasions. Their videos feature informational messages on the economy, taxation, college costs, climate change, terrorism and more – none of which anyone would hesitate to show a family member.
So exactly what kind of content has YouTube decided should be restricted (see if you can spot the ideological bias)?
Why Did America Fight the Korean War?
Is America Racist?
The Most Important Question About Abortion
Don’t Judge Blacks Differently
Are The Police Racist?
Why Don’t Feminists Fight for Muslim Women?
Who’s More Pro-Choice: Europe or America?
What ISIS Wants
Why Are There Still Palestinian Refugees?
Are 1 in 5 Women Raped at College?
Islamic Terror: What Muslim Americans Can Do
Did Bush Lie About Iraq?
Who NOT to Vote For
Do Not Murder
Israel: The World’s Most Moral Army
Radical Islam: The Most Dangerous Ideology
Why Do People Become Islamic Extremists?
What is the University Diversity Scam?
He Wants You
Israel’s Legal Founding
Pakistan: Can Sharia and Freedom Coexist?
So if you like PragerU videos and want to sign their petition to get YouTube to quit restricting their amazing content then GO HERE and sign the petition.
If you’d like to support their efforts you can also GO HERE and donate to keep more great videos coming. Or, if you can’t afford to donate, just consider visiting their sponsors through the ads on the videos. That’s how they make money to produce more videos.