Full Event: Donald Trump Campaign Event in Sandown, NH 10/6/16
Thursday, October 6, 2016: Live streaming coverage of the Donald J. Trump for President rally in Sandown, NH at Sandown Town Hall. Live coverage will begin at 7:00 PM ET.
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Folks, we’re screwed. I cannot be optimistic when my blood type is B negative.
No matter what dirt they dig on MrOrange, I would vote for anyone in the Toledo Phone Book before HC & her PC, Climate-Hoaxing, Muslim-Sympathizing Globalists. The Embodiment of Evil, she has no love for us racists, wants 2 import all Muslims, Mexicans, & French she can, to forever keep Dems in office. We cannot survive as a country if we import any more of the French.
She uses her blood-clotted feeble mind only when it’s time to move her lips to lie her ass off. Can we, in good conscience, elect someone who’s ass has fallen off? We would be a laughing stock. When HC speaks out her munch-hole her butt envies the amount of steamy, chunky, butt-sauce she’s able to push out of it.
America’d be circling toilet drain in no time AND just to irritate, she would hang that Muslim Loving ComOrganizer around our necks for rest of our lives by anointing him to the Supreme Court.
Do we bite into a lemon, or do we bite into a lemon covered with maggots?
Which is worse, finding a worm in an apple you’re eating, or finding half a worm in it?
We can dump on Trump all day, but at the end of the day, we only have these 2 choices.
It’s not necessary to “like’ Trump, just dislike him less…Surly this is one time that the ‘unknown path’ is safer than the one Hillary will take us. Comes down to this……..
Is your dislike of Trump bigger than you love of country?