Orlando and the Imaginary Wave of Islamophobia
When did shielding Moslems from criticism supplant baseball as the national pastime?
The Washington Post features the shocking story of Hannah Shraim who extended her hand for a shake and was instead shaken to her foundations.
“’They were avoiding my hand at all costs,’ said Shraim, a Muslim student from suburban Maryland who has worn a hijab since she was 15, describing her first brush with discrimination at school. ‘I could tell it was my religious orientation because they were very kind to my partner and they shook her hand.’”

All I can say is it beats having a bullet put through your hand.
Publishing a non–story about non–existent tidal wave of Islamophobia two days prior to the first funeral for a Pulse shooting victim is simply obscene.
Moslems suffer from a tiny number of so–called “hate crimes.” If you want to experience a real wave of “hate crime” all you have to do is become a Jew. In 2014 almost 60 percent of all “hate” was directed at Jews and that was before Bernie Sanders went after Wall Street banks.
Abigail Garner at the University of Miami came close to putting Moslem hate crimes into focus, but couldn’t overcome indoctrination. She writes that as the number of Moslems in the US has increased since 2001 “hate” crimes have decreased.
Even more curious, in “2001 there were about as many anti-Jewish crimes as there were anti-Islam. But in 2008 that number has not decreased like it has for Islam, but rather it has increased becoming 39.4 for every 100,000 Jews.”
Moslem population grows and so does anti–Semitic crime, yet those dots just won’t connect.
Sensible people would ask if the US is such a hellhole why do Moslems keep coming? But sensible people don’t write stories like the one in the Post
Or they could have been high school jerks, but who cares?
Leaving Shraim’s shattered life, the Post moves on to the threat of “bullying and taunting and criticism” that makes life in Obama’s America such a wasteland for refugees. Citing polls without questionnaires or methodology, the Post is reduced fretting about subjective and unquantifiable bias, because the facts don’t support the narrative.
The Post lectures that “many Muslim students have felt harassed, humiliated, bullied or abused by classmates during the past six months because of their Islamic faith; 10 percent felt a teacher or administrator had treated them unfairly during the past six months.”
In our current Random Jihad Sweepstakes culture, asking a question like this is the equivalent of asking white school kids in the Jim Crow South if the maid had been short with them after the most recent lynching.
Had the situation had been reversed, say a Christian in Pakistan attacked Moslems at a Ramadan dinner; Christians wouldn’t have to worry about Christianophobia. They’d be worrying about the mob outside the door carrying gasoline cans.
Pakistani Christians would be happy to trade a missing handshake for a missing head.
The mainstream media never gets around to surveying non–Moslems to gauge their sense of insecurity after the latest jihadi outburst. Instead we have reports of bigotry “incidents” on campus, which I suppose can range from a Trump yard sign on the quad to an orange toupee carelessly left in the locker room.
If surveys and news reports continue to discover this wave of Islamophobia soon it will be as dangerous to be a Moslem on campus as it is to be a woman.
Just hours after the Pulse nightmare, Imam Obama and the media continue their collective effort to negotiate a plea-bargain for Islam. The Pulse shooter was just another crazy, testosterone–fueled male wielding a rifle no one should be allowed to own in the first place.
It’s pathetic, enraging and dangerous simultaneously. The Left, the elites and the pajama–boys in the media aren’t serious about ending this literal reign of terror. If we rely on them we’ll be electing a caliph in about 30 years.
Fortunately there’s hope for sanity. Not all Moslems are paranoid and entitled. CBS Boston reports machinegun–toting transit police poured into the Medford station after “a report of a Moslem couple praying on the Orange line.”
Certainly an over–reaction, but it didn’t bother Tahir Ali, a member of the Islamic Society of Greater Worcester. Instead he said, “The reaction from police is understandable, because they see somebody and they think of it as a threat, so I think we can live with that.”
I’m ready to start a GoFundMe account to buy Ali a ticket to the White House. Obama can use some good advice for a change.