Here we go again. We have to do something about guns. More gun laws! Tougher gun laws! And once again, the president completely BLEW passed the mental health issue and went straight to guns laws without providing a single detail. Just the generic mantra of “let’s make more laws that we won’t enforce and then wonder why nothing has changed.”
Please remember, the recent shooting on Umpqua Community College in Oregon took place in a gun-free zone where even the security guard could not be armed. Not until police showed up with a gun 20 minutes after it started did the shooting finally stop.
I listened to the president’s 12 minute speech about how bad the congress was because they wouldn’t pass comprehensive gun safety laws. What, exactly, does he have in mind? What does he see as a solution? He didn’t say. Again. He is still leaving it up to congress for him to threaten to veto if he doesn’t get what he wants. So why waste all that time? He should just tell them what he wants.
The president expressed outrage that 9 people were killed at the hands of a gunman. He is a very confused (and confusing) man. Why is he not outraged at the 2600 shot in the gun-free city of Chicago this year? What about the 370 lives lost there? And most of them black lives! Not a word. No outrage. Don’t #BlackLivesMatter to him?
Then there is Washington, DC. 2400 shootings in 2014 and 100+ killings. Another city where guns are not welcome. This is a city where the Chief of Police has refused to issue licenses to carry even though she has been ordered by a judge to do so. Interestingly enough, she has not been locked up for ignoring the judge’s order like Kentucky clerk Kim Davis was.
Based on Chicago and DC, we have proof that stricter gun laws work well, right?! No, wait! That’s proof they DON’T work! These are just 2 of over a dozen cities that have the same issues.
The president is not being honest about the cause. If he really felt that shootings were out of control and that he needed to insert himself in the process why hasn’t he spoken out on the Chicago shootings? Why hasn’t he called on the mayor or governor imploring them to enact new laws? The same goes for DC and more recently Baltimore. Why won’t he speak out about those? Is it because it’s mostly black-on-black crime? Is it because it won’t play well? Or is it because people will ask “why don’t those police departments just enforce existing laws?”
Read more at: GunLaws
You said “he blew past the mental health issue”. That’s understandable and a lot of people are uncomfortable discussing their personal health in public. The important fact is that….he really cares…he cares about himself…