Food Fight! Or, the CNN GOP Primary Debate – [Open Thread]
CDN invites you to comment on your observations after the main debate of the Republican Primary Debate at the Ronald Reagan Library Wednesday at 8 pm.
Who’s on the main stage?
The eleven attendees for tonight’s debate are Donald Trump, Ben Carson, Carly Fiorina, Jeb Bush, Rand Paul, Scott Walker, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Mike Huckabee, Chris Christie and John Kasich.
What to expect in tonight’s debate:
CNN is reportedly lining up questions for the main debate attendees that will elicit conflict among the candidates. Ratings are ratings and CNN needs all they can get. This tactic is sure to produce the largest number of sound bites for tomorrow morning’s news programs.
The debate will likely focus on the three non-politicians: Donald Trump, Ben Carson and Carly Fiorina. The three of them hold the support of 56% of those polled in the most recent political survey.
CNN’s tactic will be to get candidates to attack Trump so that he is given an opportunity to respond. The resulting chest-thumping, name-calling bluster will likely only be outnumbered by the number of times Trump says “winning” and “I.”
Carly Fiorina has already promised to give Trump an earful at this event. “Mr. Trump’s going to be hearing quite a lot from me” she said in an interview with CNBC’s John Harwood.
Fiorina has gained momentum since her stellar debate performance in the first GOP pre-debate forum. She has received even more attention after Trump attacked her appearance with his ill-thought “look at that face” insult. Carly has since turned Trumps insult into a rallying cry.
The former HP CEO’s momentum caused CNN to alter its candidate selection criteria and add the eleventh spot so that she would make the main event.
Rand Paul has also pledged to trade blow with the celebrity billionaire. Despite falling numbers since his first attempt at facing off with Trump, Paul said “I think he deserves both barrels. I want to make sure everyone in the whole country knows he’s a fake conservative.”
Soft-spoken Ben Carson has jumped to statistical parity with Trump in the latest CNN poll. Carson has also said that he doesn’t feel that attacking Trump is necessary or beneficial. Look for him to be the even-tempered candidate on the stage.
The others will likely hope to get Trump to attack them so that they get an extra 30 seconds of prime time T.V. exposure.
Any way it’s sliced, tonight’s debate will be an event. Barbs will be traded, podiums will be pounded on and insults will fly.
Let us know your impressions in the comment section below!
Don’t have cable? Here’s how to watch the CNN debate:
CNN will be offering a free live stream of the debate HERE.
Let me begin by saying to all, your opinion is important, as is mine….While there may be a difference, as Americans we can still ne good traveling companions on our road to a common destination…..that of taking this great United States back to her deserved status…..
Fortunately, it isn’t necessary to ‘like’ an individual to find them competent to serve as Commander in Chief , and there are a couple I truly dislike but can’t deny their credentials….For the ‘most’ part we do have a large selection of ‘can do’ the job.
CNN was only successful in part at inciting the ‘petty’ side of candidates. I notice that Trump, indeed, tone down his verbal responses/outburst, but was mugging constantly much like a monkey turned loose in a board room vying for attention. This is no doubt due in large part to his ADD and insecurities. And we can’t overlook that once again, media gave him the most time. We’ve seen more of him than even Obama….
Carly remained steadfast and on message with the exception of the ‘resume dust up’. She is well informed and quick on the repartee. In other words….a lady.
I did not see a ‘winner’ as such, but feel that Firiona, Christy, & Rubio improved their standings. I just love Ben Carson, as a neighbor and friend. I fear that his analytical nature would hinder him when immediate decisions are needed and he seems to have a passive side, perhaps it’s his Seventh Day Adventist teachings…I just don’t see the oft distasteful strength that is required at this time.
Scott Walker has a great deal to seriously look at, yet last night he was given only 3 questions and 8 minutes….
FOX is as guilty as the rest for ‘over indulgence’ in Trump headlines.
And the beat goes on……..looking forward to the rest of you sharing….that’s how we grow.
I thought that Fiorina had the strongest performance of the evening. Precise, well-informed answers to complicated questions shows someone that is very serious about getting this job.
Rubio is still battling confusing immigration stances. Otherwise, he was strong.
I completely agree with your assessment on Carson. Great ideas, intelligent but… something leader-ish is missing. Hopefully he’ll be able to display that in future debates.
Trump was Trump. Didn’t really say anything except that he gets along with everybody and that he would be able to get along with Putin and Khameni. Not sure that’s what we need, but that seems to be his plan. Then again, he is the candidate who copied his campaign motto directly from Ronald Reagan’s 1980 campaign.
Christy had a good night. The people’s perspective was a great strategy and he was consistent throughout the evening. I think it will be enough to make sure we see the NJ Governor in the next debate unless he falls on his face on the campaign trail.
Jeb didn’t do anything to screw himself, but he really didn’t do much to energize the electorate either. He’ll be around .. but that may be about it.
Kasich came off as desperate – he’s done.
Walker, Paul, Cruz and anyone else I forgot.. were forgettable. Nothing that will help them rise out of the single digits and we may see one or more of them in the early debate (or not at all) at the end of October.
A small comment on the CNN format. That was awful. I felt like I was watching a Jerry Springer show. “Jeb said X, Y, and Z about you .. what do you have to say to him about that?” Seriously??? It was a disgraceful push to get maximum sound bites from the candidates and fetch ratings, but hey, I bet no one demands Tapper get fired for it.
Seems that we’re either both right or both wrong…..knowing us, I’m sure we are right……I, too, felt Rubio made a strong impression. And, yes Christy did pick the right approach. (almost made me re-think)
The format was a disgrace and the Springer reference is a good one. Silly ole me, I thought debates were where each ‘sold’ you on their points of the same issue…
I’m not surprised that Walker got so little attention, as much as I believe he has many of the qualities, this isn’t the time to even appear timid. Met him last week and he’s eager to listen and discuss…..but
I’m curious that Cruz didn’t get more involved on his own..I guess he’s been too nice to Trump to give them a reason not to ask him one of their nonsense questions.
Though this page would be full by now.
Jan and Rich. Great Minds Think alike.In my article here I mentioned that the debate reminded me of Jerry Springer show and I expected his body guards to come out. 😀 This wasn’t really a debate but a reality show set up by CNN to eventually get Trump out, then they will go after Cruz and Reine Priebus will get rid of everyone except Bush which he wants to be the front runner.Only nobody wants another Bush. If Bush is the candidate we lose and the republican party will be gone forever. The republican establishment wants someone they can control and they know they can’t control Trump or Cruz so they have to go. I really suspect Reince is in league with a lot of liberal buddies. I never trusted him.