
Liberals Believe Only in Power and Money

Do liberal/progressives really believe the clap-trap they spew about redistributing wealth in order to return power to the “rightful owners” of our nation and do they believe that the government can spend tax money more wisely than individuals can spend their own money to provide for themselves and their families? To support my contention that liberals only believe in power (theirs) and money (yours) I’d like to perform a little test that I believe tells the tale quickly.

Just ask yourself how many wealthy liberals forward their fat dividends checks or paychecks to the treasury and let the government provide them with public housing, public transportation, healthcare at a local clinic, and educate their children at public schools.  None of them do if they can afford otherwise, and this proves that they are lying when they claim government is the best provider rather than individuals providing for themselves.  Liberals live in nice homes, drive comfortable cars, have private healthcare and often send their children to private schools (especially when they live in Washington DC) and they know that these personal decisions and expenditures are the most successful way for a person or family to live.

Just consider the mess the government has gotten us into and see if you want government to provide for your welfare and retirement years:  We are multi-trillions of dollars in debt, social security is backrupt, Medicare is broke, Freddie and Fannie are billions in debt and constantly asking for more bailouts so they can fail further, state and local retirement funds are lacking sufficient funding (just like Greece), Obamacare will cost unanticipated trillions of dollars, the Financial Reform Act will further halt business expansion resulting in more joblessness, and these liberal fools want more money and more control over our lives.  I say not!

And I’m not certain that conservatives have a much more firmly-held picture of how to get out of this mess than liberals do.  Conservatives like to talk about halting spending, lowering taxes and de-growing government but never get specific about how to accomplish these things in the face of destructive debt.  Here’s how we do it:

Repeal Obamacare and the financial reform act, and whatever replacement is provided, make certain that cross-state insurance competition is included,

Cut all expenditures to the bare bones with no department getting any funding increase, and make every agency and department (with the possible exception of the military) justify their next budget with a zero-based budget philosophy,

Get rid of destructive government (abolish the EPA and the departments of energy and education, thereby cutting regulations, lowering costs and letting business flourish),No new taxes nor tax increases,

Defund Obama’s czars and the additional 16,000 IRS agents hired to enforce Obamacare,

Drill here, drill now, drill everywhere,

Roll to a FAIR tax and eliminate the IRS,

Retire all federal employees rated as “non-essential”,

Place armed and loaded U.S. soldiers along our southern border from the Gulf to the Pacific while building a wall, then strictly enforce existing immigration law,

Nullify Obama’s idiotic Iran nuclear agreement,

Make certain Obama doesn’t outlaw coal-fired electric plants,

Ignore the 1970s cry of environmental cooling, warming, change or whatever name the chicken littles are calling their current attempts to deny us energy.


If these ideas don’t quickly turn the tide and restore confidence and prosperity and assure a brighter future for our children and grandchildren, they are at least a good start.


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Dave King

Retired AT&T supervisor.

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