Hillary getting thrown under the bus: DOJ investigating email
As the pre-ordained next Democratic nominee for 2016, no one thought that Hillary Clinton’s multiple scandals would ever be investigated. Well, someone in the executive branch just gave the go ahead.
The Washington Post is reporting that the F.B.I. is now, after all this time, finally (did I overdo it?) investigating Hillary Clintons’ suspicious and possibly illegal closet-based email system.
The FBI has begun looking into the security of Hillary Rodham Clinton’s private e-mail setup, contacting in the past week a Denver-based technology firm that helped manage the unusual system, according to two government officials.
To most, this will come as a shock. A democratic administration investigating the Clintons? After so many ignored controversies, most have assumed the whole email thing would be swept under the rug as well. But, it is not to be so.
Why would the rich and powerful in the Democratic party allow the executive branch to doom Hillary to a nomination loss? It’s simple, they weighed the evidence and decided that she could not win in 2016. A loss of the White House is too big a gamble and Hillary just isn’t getting the job done.
While Benghazi has seen no national press attention, the media and the FBI have now decided that Clinton might be worth investigating just as her poll numbers show her losing key support.
In a poll released on Tuesday, Bernie Sanders became statistically equal to Clinton in the key state of New Hampshire. The DNC is panicking (which means the unions, nearly-broke solar companies, some rich tech dudes and all the Wall Streeter that blew their wads on President Grandma are also freaking out.)
Hillary is continuing to lose the support of white women and has not pulled any support from the so-called Obama coalition (black voters, soccer moms and hispanics) because [feigned shock] they don’t trust her.
Those in power have already made sure that the DOJ investigation will not turn up anything useful. But it will continue to erode her support and allow someone like Joe Biden of Bernie Sanders to step in and save the day for the progressive oligarchs.
There is little hope that Congress, the FBI or any portion of the Obama administration will find the truth behind Hillary’s email server, Benghazi or half-a-dozen other alleged illegal activities she was mixed up in. But, they will do whatever it takes to make sure their party owns the White House in 2016.
“By any means necessary.”