The Media Conspiracy To Make Trump A Third Party Candidate and Why Republicans Should Nominate Him
There is a lot in the liberal media about Donald Trump running third party and therefore causing Hillary or the dem front runner to get in. While I admit this is their agenda, it would be wise for the republicans to nominate him as their candidate then or risk losing again maybe for good as I don’t see the current crop of candidates beating a democrat contender. I’ve been following their careers for a number of years now and consider myself a good judge of character and what’s needed to win. Most of them are what’s considered a RINO or democrat light for republicans to support them or too religious to win. Let’s take a good look at some of them:
Mike Huckabee-A good guy with strong religious and conservative beliefs but not a powerful speaker. He should never have left his FOX News show where he is more influential.
Bobby Jindal-The governor of Louisiana is a good man for his state, very conservative, but doesn’t have that charisma to reach across to America and is a very soft spoken and easy going. One year he gave the republican response to a State of the Union speech and failed miserably.
Chris Christie-A strong possibility. Similar to Trump in energetic brashness and charisma and the governor of my state. I started out supporting him and met him in person and had my picture taken with him, but recently he has become embroiled in local scandals that could prevent him from being the candidate. I would reluctantly consider him if he were the candidate.
Rick Santorum- Nice guy but too religious for the mainstream.
Rick Perry-Governor of Texas. Doesn’t seem to strong on controlling illegals coming into his state and lost in debates last time.
John Kaisach-Governor of Ohio- Too bland in his demeanor.
Jeb Bush-Another RINO who supports amnesty and common core. Said illegals come here out of an act of love. People don’t want another Bush or Clinton.
Marco Rubio-Strong possibility. Supports a pathway to citizenship rather than controlling the borders or deportation for illegals and could get the Hispanic vote, but is that enough to win? I don’t think so.
George Pataki- Former mayor of New York City-Not even close and no real passion or charisma.
Rand Paul-Good man and more of a libertarian. Would be good in a Trump cabinet or Speaker of the House or replacing Boehner in the senate. Also too easy going to carry the country.
Ben Carson-Very good candidate with an inspirational story but speaks very softly. Would also be good in a Trump cabinet.
Carly Fiorina- Former CEO of Hewlett Packard. I would love to see her go one on one with a debate with Hillary, but I don’t see her carrying the country. maybe a Secretary of State in a Trump cabinet due to her international connections and experience.
Ted Cruz-very good candidate and could get it with lots of good conservative ideas. His voice is kind of squeaky though and I would love to see a Trump/Cruz ticket. That could be a winner for sure.
So if the republicans want to avoid Trump going third party they will nominate him and win for sure. Currently he has millions of people backing him and is leading in all the polls. He is refreshing to people and not your typical politician. He’s getting people talking about issues they didn’t talk about before. He’s the type of person that when pushed, he pushes back not like the weenie republicans we have in there now who cower when criticized and bow down to Obama and give him anything he wants.
In the 2012 elections republicans campaigned on defunding Obamacare and repealing it and defunding amnesty. When they got in they grabbed their ankles and bent over and gave Obama funding for Obamacare and funded amnesty. No wonder people don’t trust them! They betrayed us!!!! Trump offers the alternative they have been looking for so the republicans better nominate him if they know what’s good for them and the country and if they want to win otherwise it’s good-bye forever as I don’t see the other candidates winning. If the republicans don’t nominate Trump and If they lose they will have no one to blame but themselves.
I know Trump has contributed to the Clintons and democrats, but maybe he’s pulling a Reagan and leaving the democrats like Reagan did saying he didn’t leave the democrat party, the democrat party left him. Or maybe he’s like country singer Austin Cunningham in his song about the girls of FOX News: “I used to be a democrat/ liberal no doubt / I didn’t think conservatives knew what life’s about / Then one day I left the FOX News channel on / If that’s the station of the right I’ll tell the left so long.” 😀 Look what’s happened to women of Fox News
Recently Newsmax listed 10 reasons the media gets wrong about Trump. They are:
1.He is not a billionaire.Forbes magazine researchers have placed his worth at $4 billion, while Trump asserts that he is worth $10 billion. A disclosure document recently released by the Federal Election Commission lists 515 different positions and 168 assets and sources of income for Trump.
The assets include 23 that are valued at more than $50 million each. Many items require that he check the box marked “$50 million or more” when they could be worth considerably more, meaning Trump’s fortune may be higher than the disclosure suggests.
2. Trump is not a successful businessman. Critics say he inherited a fortune from his family and has declared bankruptcy several times. But Trump’s father had a net wealth estimated at between $250 million and $400 million at the time of his death, and he had four surviving children who were heirs, so Trump is responsible for accumulating the great bulk of his fortune. Trump has never personally declared bankruptcy. Some businesses he controlled or licensed his name have, but this is not unusual for a mogul who has owned hundreds of properties and businesses through the years.
3. He said all Mexicans were rapists. What he said while announcing his candidacy is that illegal immigrants from Mexico are “bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”
Trump has made it clear he was not saying all Mexicans are criminals or that all illegal aliens are criminals, but the media have continued to charge that he branded Mexican immigrants as rapists. He has also said he “loves” the Mexican people, but was referring to the Mexican government.
4.Trump said John McCain is not a war hero. The Washington Post reported that Trump said “McCain was not a war hero because he was captured by the North Vietnamese.” But Trump immediately modified his statement by saying, four times, that McCain is a war hero, including: “He is a war hero” and “he is a war hero because he was captured.”
The Post also did not put Trump’s remarks in the context of a feud between Trump and the Arizona senator, who has characterized some Trump supporters as “crazies.”
5.Only 2,500 people showed up to hear Trump speak at the Phoenix Convention Center. The Phoenix Business Journal reported that 4,200 people were on hand, and noted, significantly, that “there were scores of Trump backers that did not get into his rally because the room hit fire code capacity.” Other independent observers have placed the crowd at over 7,500.
6. Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus spoke at length with Trump and asked him to tone down his rhetoric. Trump said that in fact he spoke with Priebus for just 10 minutes and Priebus told him that Trump hit a “nerve, doing well.” He said Priebus told him “you can’t change your personality and I understand that.” Trump said it “was a really nice call, a congratulatory call.”
7. Hispanics don’t like Trump. A poll by One America News Network in Nevada found that Trump received 31.4 percent support among Hispanics, higher than the 27.7 percent he received overall. The only other candidate to receive double digit support from Hispanics was Scott Walker. with 11.4 percent.
8. Trump lied about his salary from “The Apprentice.” MSNBC host Lawrence O’Donnell claimed that Trump’s statement in his federal disclosure document that he made more than $213 million as host of the NBC reality show was a “complete, total lie.” Later that same day O’Donnell backed away from the claim, saying “I don’t know” how much Trump really earned.
9. Trump was a draft dodger. Pundit Fact, a site powered by, looked into the charge and concluded: “To the best of our knowledge, no one has charged Trump with violating the Selective Service law. His student deferments were routine. And unless someone has new information, there is no legal issue with his medical deferment.”
10. Americans are outraged by Trump’s comments on immigration. According to Rasmussen Reports, 63 percent of Americans want the U.S. to gain control of the border, as Trump has demanded. His strong showing in the polls is further proof of support for his stance. The 10 Biggest Media Lies About Donald Trump
I agree with is commenter below ;
Can’t we say the same think of the RNC, Bush, Rubio, Perry, McCain, Graham, on and on? Aren’t they echoing these lies just as forcefully as the media and the democrats?
We have one friend in this competition: Donald Trump. The rest are power-hungry dishonest politicians.
The “media” is a dishonest propaganda monopoly designed to keep politicians in power, and they cannot be trusted to tell the truth.
In fact, I think we should take class action against them. They call themselves “news” and “objective journalists”, but this is a LIE. They are propaganda with an agenda and a dishonest willingness to discriminate.
Our suit would focus on the discrimination, and the fact that they misrepresent who they are. They are NOT journalists!