Stop the presses: Hillary goes anti-gun on the campaign trail
In two recent campaign speeches, Hillary shocked no one by announcing that she’ll be taking on the NRA and pushing to reduce gun rights – by talking about them.
Most democratic candidates avoid discussing their anti-gun postures on the campaign trail as many rural democratic districts are heavily pro-gun. Taking the controversial stance places her to the left of Bernie Sanders who has supported pro-gun industry legislation in the past.
On Tuesday, the pre-ordained nominee of the Democrat party told a group in Iowa City that she’s “going to speak out against the uncontrollable use of guns in our country because I believe we can do better.”
At an earlier Hanover, N.H. stop, the Presidential candidate leveled her finger at the NRA: “We have to take on the gun lobby.” Clinton declared, “This is a controversial issue. I am well aware of that. But I think it is the height of irresponsibility not to talk about it.”
Lacking any specifics, Clinton is letting the world know that she’s going to speak out and talk about taking action on gun rights. The NRA could not have asked for better material with which to grow it’s huge member base.
Hillary’s remarks will play well with the far-left base, but may turn many in the middle away from her candidacy.