As The Supreme Court Betrays America, All The Upstream Political Dams Are Breaking
When one lives on a river one learns to pay attention to how the dams upstream are holding, because if the dams upstream fail, the resulting deluge will be released and there is no way to stop it as it takes out your life and home.
Below will be references to metaphorical political dams intended to make the point that our society is literally falling apart under Obama’s deluge of liberalism/progressivism.
The lesser political dams upstream can be related simply to how our governmental authorities behave when laws are broken by the government itself. An example could be when the IRS singles out Obama’s opponents and denies Republicans the same tax benefits common to liberals; or when we know the Secretary of State was accepting large personal donations from foreign governments in exchange for favorable State Department rulings; and when she illegally destroyed emails on her illegal server to cover her criminal tracks. No one in the Obama administration will lift a finger to punish these wrong-doings. And how about the constant lying drumbeat from Democrats about the Republican war on women, and the Republican efforts to deny the vote to black citizens. Any honest person would admit that this is just filthy talk, but liberals are not honest.
Then come the medium size political dams of liberals’ repeated attempts to deny Americans their second amendment right to own arms to defend themselves; repeated attempts to force homosexual marriage down our throats; the insistence that we accept the tens of thousands of illegal aliens crossing our borders as merely being immigration reform; the unending EPA regulations which are contrary to the enabling legislation Congress passed (but no one seriously tries to stop them); the global warming brigade that seriously suggests that warming deniers be judged to be insane and made criminals (when common sense would tell anyone who cared to apply logic and their own senses that the oceans are not rising and that a predicted rise of one degree in temperature in fifty years is a good thing, not a bad one, because it would lengthen the growing season slightly and provide more food).
Another medium political dam that is being torn down finds the left attacking police forces across the country and leaving the population very much exposed to crime as the police back off from the dangers of their job in the face of public outrage and violence at their supposed excesses.
But the main political dam formerly holding back the hordes who have been damaging the lesser dams has just failed us a second time: the Supreme Court is all in on Obamacare and has used their own opinions, instead of legal reasoning, to finally shove the Affordable Care Act down our throats.
The political dams are breaking all along the river of life in America, and when you consider that the federal government, which is the primary wrecker of the dams that protect America from total destruction, is broke and that the stock market is now riding a new bubble equal to that of 2008, we’re all in big trouble.
Most people, especially the young who grew up in an era of plenty, have no idea where their liberties and their comfortable lives come from. They have lived so well for so long that they believe that air conditioners and iPods and markets packed with food are the norm and simply the way life is, but their great grandparents could tell them that living in the U.S. today is a miracle compared to past times, and it could be lost in the blink of an eye if the traditional political dams that protected our nation from excesses and subversives all fall down.
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