In The News
Phoenix ‘Draw Mohammad’ Organizer Going into Hiding
A former Marine organized a ‘draw Mohammad’ protest in Phoenix, Arizona. Amid threats from counter-protestors, he’s going defensive.
“I’m having to go into hiding after this because they are calling lone wolfs to come in and behead me, ” Jon Ritzheimer said.
Perhaps he just needs a Texas cop with a .45.
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What’s good for the goose is good for the gander…..This freedom of speech exercise ‘appears’ well thought out with permits, notification or even the Mosque etc. Not sure ‘who’ threw the “bring your guns” in there. at first I thought “Oh no, someones will get killed”…..WRONG,,,hmmm could be it ‘prevented’
FYI Texas sent open carry bill to Abbott and signature expected.
Guns do make for a polite society – don’t they Jan?