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North Korea’s Internet Paralyzed. Kim Calls Obama a Monkey

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 I hate to say this about the Dear Leader fat boy who tortures, starves and kills his own people including relatives, but he is right about Obama. Obama does jump into saying things without knowing all the facts. Libs here are jumping on the racist  bandwagon, even though Kim doesn’t mean it that way.

SHANGHAI (Reuters) – North Korea’s Internet and 3G mobile networks were paralyzed again on Saturday evening, China’s official Xinhua news agency reported on Saturday, with the North Korean government blaming the United States for systemic instability in the country’s networks.

Internet connectivity had not returned to normal as of 21:30 local time, Xinhua reported, citing reporters in the country that had confirmed the situation over fixed telephone systems.

The report comes after the North Korean government called Obama a “monkey” and blamed the United States for enduring instability in the country’s internet infrastructure, after the U.S. blamed North Korea for hacking attack on Sony Studios.

The attack was allegedly conducted to deter Sony from showing a comedy film called “The Interview,” the plot of which featured a scheme to assassinate North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, and it resulted in major expense and embarrassment for Sony.

U.S. President Barack Obama promised retaliation for the attack but did not specify its form. North Korea has denied responsibility for the attack on Sony.

“Obama always goes reckless in words and deeds like a monkey in a tropical forest,” an unidentified spokesman at the commission’s policy department said in a statement carried by the official Korean Central News Agency.

The North has denied involvement in a crippling cyberattack on Sony Pictures, but has expressed fury over the comedy, which depicts the assassination of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un. Sony Pictures initially called off the release of the film, citing threats of terror attacks against U.S. movie theaters. Obama criticized Sony’s decision, and the movie opened this past week.

On Saturday, the North’s powerful National Defense Commission, which is led by Kim and is the country’s top governing body, said Obama was behind the release of “The Interview.” It described the movie as illegal, dishonest and reactionary.

As I mentioned in my last blog, Obama is great for jumping in and making statements before he knows all the facts. He immediately blamed North Korea and said he would respond in a timely fashion in an unspecified time and place and now North Korea’s internet is shut down and Kim is blaming the U.S. for it. However FBI investigators have now confirmed it wasn’t North Korea, but an inside job in SONY.

I think SONY or someone inside SONY, a disgruntled employee maybe, planned this knowing this movie was going to cost them and be a bomb so they hired a hacker to do this and blame it on North Korea. Now everyone is lining up to see it and the critics have panned it big time and audiences are saying it’s not that great. Many are saying the publicity leading up to it was more exciting. I think Obama was even in on it with Hollywood when he urged people to see it since he owes them big time for sending him millions in political donations.

Obama better be careful what he says and does on the international stage now with Kim. By shutting down their internet in a cyber retaliation when they didn’t do it in the first place can be construed as an act of war by North Korea and this little fat boy Dear Leader is crazy enough to do something serious to us.

Everybody knows Obama is a wimp, friends, enemies, other countries. Putin laughs in his face, Assad laughs at his lines drawn in the sand and now North Korea calls him a monkey. Kim has also recently aligned himself with Putin so Obama better be careful. North Korea now has nukes and this Dear Leader fat boy is insane enough to use them. This is the guy who killed his own uncle, put his aunt into slavery and publicly executed 10 of his guards for watching western soap operas. The current joke making the rounds is  that Kim’s comment is an insult to monkeys. 😀


Internet, 3G mobile network ‘paralyzed’…

Korea insults Obama, blames U.S. for Web outage – USA Today


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Jim Clayton

I am a retired former newspaper reporter and retail sales person. I'm a politically conservative easy going person from New Jersey. I am married to a wonderful wife and like talking and writing about movies,, concerts I attend and current events all which I write about here. I would enjoy hearing from anyone on my articles and they can write to me here.

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  1. I have never agreed with anything that comes out of North Korea, but calling Obama a monkey is a monkey of another color. Without thinking I could come up with a lot of words that describe Obama better, but monkey will do for now.

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