Same-Sex Marriage: I Warned You This Would Happen
Well, I warned you this would happen, as soon as they legalized same-sex marriage. In three of my books, America, A Society Gone Wrong, What Kind Of Society Are We Leaving Our Kids and Hey Alan Colmes I Read Your Book, A Republicans Rebuttal, I talked about what would happen to our society because of same-sex marriage, now it’s starting.
Here is a head-line form a recent article in a New York newspaper; NY State blesses “incest” marriage between uncle, niece. The story went on to say, “The states highest court has toppled a cultural taboo, legalizing a degree of incest, at least between an uncle and niece, in a unanimous ruling.”
“While the laws against parent-child and brother-sister marriages are grounded in the almost universal horror with which such marriages are viewed, there is no comparably strong objection to uncle-niece marriages.” the ruling reads.
Once you change the definition of marriage the fabric of society will start to crumble. Marriage equality; has anyone considered the consequences if a law like that passes? Opening up marriage equality means not only two men or two women, but what about four men getting married or four women? A law like that will have to allow a man to have a harem, why if a man wants ten wives, he must be allowed to have them because that is marriage equality. How about group marriages, a group of twenty people want to get married and live under one roof, which would falls under marriage equality as well.
Don’t you think that there are wackos out there that would love to marry their pets? You wait and see, if this marriage equality thing comes to pass, it won’t be long before some people line up to get married to their dogs or horses, marriage equality right? What about mother and son or father and daughter, brother and sister, marriage equality means just that. Something like this can open up a whole can of worms; there are plenty of wackos at there.
18 state attorneys general voiced their concerns: “Once the natural limits that inhere in the relationship between a man and a woman can no longer sustain the definition of marriage, the conclusion that follows is that any grouping of adults would have an equal claim to marriage,” they wrote. The left’s fierce push for “gay marriage” has nothing to do with “marriage equality” and everything to do with “marriage extinction.” There has to be a definition of marriage, or anything has to be allowed. How true.
Then there is this story. WATERBURY, Conn. (WTNH)–“Waterbury Police are investigating after a woman had to confront a naked man at gunpoint while he allegedly performed sexual acts on her pit bull Tuesday morning. The man is believed to be suffering from mental health issues.” Yes, mental issues, it’s called Liberalism. Society is crumbling, there is no doubt about it, in time I am sure that man will marry that dog, I mean we have to have marriage equality, right?
You can view all my books here.
This is one man’s opinion.
Well Chris, I can see that future dinner party’s for Democrats will be a place for some wonderful op-eds. Mary Finklesteen will be carrying little Bosco. They are a newly married couple, she landed a very eligible good looking Great Dane, what a catch.
What about that cute couple, the one who married the Clydesdale, did you see the designer bag she was sporting under her tale? Let me tell you it is to die for. I hope they can leave before the freight elevator shuts down as the stairs will destroy those beautiful hoofs she’s sporting. Those Smiths, it never fails, you know the pair with the Water Buffalo. Someone needs to tell him he has a drinking problem, its every party Karl, I know Frank. Lets let them deal with it and not spoil our good time.
They just need to change the names on Zoos to The Progressive future today. They want the bar scene from the first Star Wars movie to be the new normal. Thank God its not anything big as it is the media that fuels all this. He truth be told it’s just a few abnormal points that are spread far and wide in the news, something “they” control. A couple of very far out journalists with some very misplaced ideals that need to justify some weird science, sort of Laurel and Hardy with a twist. As they say “They walk among us.”